
tech2024-05-17  106


I happened across this product a few days ago and have been evaluating it as a potential time-saver and also to streamline firewalls across multiple servers.


Firewall Builder is a front end for configuring several firewalls, including iptables, ipfilter, OpenBSD PF, and Cisco PIX.

Firewall Builder是用于配置多个防火墙的前端,包括iptables,ipfilter,OpenBSD PF和Cisco PIX。

It is critical that anyone moving to a GUI for firewall configuration first understand how to work with these firewalls from the command line and their native config files to insure proper configuration, however, that said, fwbuilder can save time and help you manage your firewall, as well as managing rules across different firewalls under your administration.


It does this by using a central database for your firewall rules, then enabling you to submit rules across differing firewall programs on differing platforms.


fwbuilder can be run on numerous platforms, including Linux, Unix, Solaris and Mac OS X (using Fink). There are rpms for Red Hat and SUSE and of course source installs across all supported platforms.

fwbuilder可以在多种平台上运行,包括Linux,Unix,Solaris和Mac OS X(使用Fink)。 Red Hat和SUSE都有rpm,当然所有支持的平台上的源代码安装也是如此。

As a related side-note, Telconi Terminal offers graphical Cisco device configuration to Linux, Mac OS X, Unix and Windows systems. Telconi Terminal is currently a tech preview, so it is not necessarily going to be open source and very likely will come with a price tag.

作为相关说明, Telconi Terminal为Linux,Mac OS X,Unix和Windows系统提供图形化的Cisco设备配置。 Telconi Terminal目前是技术预览,因此不一定是开源的,而且很可能会标价。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/configure-firewalls-with-a-gui/

