ncla novell

tech2024-05-18  89

ncla novell

Sounds a bit odd to the ear…However, Novell is becoming a powerful force in the Linux and Open Source marketplace, and long before buying Ximian (Linux desktop developers) and SUSE (Linux OS) Novell entrenched themselves in business environments of all sizes.

听起来有些奇怪……但是,Novell在Linux和开放源代码市场中已经成为强大的力量,而且早在收购Ximian(Linux桌面开发人员)和SUSE(Linux OS)之前,Novell就已经在各种规模的业务环境中立于不败之地。

While the Novell platform never quite had the sexy marketing of its Windows and Unix counterparts, administrators everywhere continue to rave about its stability and scalability.


Importantly, to web developers cultivating clients in the medium and large business markets, you can still find Novell systems as old as 4.11 deployed. More interesting is the fact that the following open source solutions are ported to Novell:

重要的是,对于在大中型企业市场中培养客户的Web开发人员而言,您仍然可以找到已部署的4.11版本的Novell系统。 更有趣的是,以下开源解决方案已移植到Novell:


阿帕奇 LDAP


MySQL Perl

Perl PHP

PHP PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL RSync

同步 Tomcat


This provides just about the complete web development platform including support for running database-driven and Java-driven solutions.


There are two tracks working here, 1) Access to customers who may be hesitatant to utilize Linux but have Netware infrastructure, and 2) Opportunities to bring Linux into a customer’s environment because of their trust in the Novell name (namely SUSE Linux Standard or Enterprise).

这里有两个跟踪途径:1)访问可能不愿使用Linux但具有Netware基础结构的客户,以及2)由于他们对Novell名称(即SUSE Linux Standard或Enterprise)的信任而将Linux引入客户环境的机会。 )。

To some it may seem Novell was a dusty name on a dusty shelf a year or so ago. The tables have definitely turned and anyone marketing web development to the medium size business market and up should study up on the new Novell package.

在某些人看来,Novell大约在一年前在尘土飞扬的架子上是一个尘土飞扬的名字。 表格肯定已经发生了变化,任何向中型企业市场及以上市场营销网络开发的人都应该学习新的Novell软件包。

Novell is of course found at their corporate site and their open source activities can be seen at Novell Forge.

当然可以在其公司站点上找到Novell,并且可以在Novell Forge上看到其开源活动。

As a footnote to this, considering that email service is often under the web provider’s umbrella, Ximian’s desktop includes Evolution, which has Microsoft Outlook style functionality, and also offers a separate Exchange Connector which enables Evolution users on Linux desktops to particpate in the collaborative environment of Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 and 2003.

作为对此的脚注,考虑到电子邮件服务通常在Web提供商的保护下,Ximian的桌面包括具有Microsoft Outlook样式功能的Evolution,并且还提供了单独的Exchange连接器,使Linux桌面上的Evolution用户可以参与协作环境Microsoft Exchange Server 2000和2003。

Novell of course is integrating all of its products with SUSE’s Linux platform and Ximian products.



ncla novell
