
tech2024-05-18  215

…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

Prompted by a question from another forum member, I decided to look into encoding ColdFusion code.


First off, if you go into your CFIDE/Administrator directory under your CF installation path (i.e. C:CFusionMXwwwrootCFIDEAdministrator), you’ll notice that there is an index.cfm file. That’s right, all of the ColdFusion Administrator is written in ColdFusion. But, wait a second… When I open that file it’s all jibberish. Can’t read a thing in there.

首先,如果您进入CF安装路径下的CFIDE / Administrator目录(即C:CFusionMXwwwrootCFIDEAdministrator),则会注意到其中存在一个index.cfm文件。 没错,所有ColdFusion管理员都是用ColdFusion编写的。 但是,请稍等...当我打开该文件时,一切都很混乱。 在那儿看不懂东西。

That’s because it’s encoded. If you look in the C:CFusionMXbin directory (or the bin directory of the ColdFusionMX install path) you’ll see a program called “cfencode.exe”. This is what is used to encode the Adminstrator, and you can use it to encode your CFML code. (Like that CMS that you’ve slaved over and don’t want anyone ripping off.)

那是因为它是经过编码的。 如果您查看C:CFusionMXbin目录(或ColdFusionMX安装路径的bin目录),则会看到一个名为“ cfencode.exe”的程序。 这就是用来编码管理员的内容,您可以使用它来编码您的CFML代码。 (就像您奴役过的CMS一样,不要让任何人窃取。)

I don’t have time at this exact moment to write a full tutorial and test it and everything, but here’s an article from the CFHub:




Performing a Google search for “cfencode.exe” will turn up about 76 results that can help in your quest for code protection.

用Google搜索“ cfencode.exe”会发现大约76个结果,可以帮助您寻求代码保护。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/encoding-your-cfml/
