
tech2024-05-18  107


So I’ve taken a job with a design firm in Atlanta GA. This is a good thing because it will provide me more time to play with ColdFusion and to pass on my knowledge here.

所以我已经在佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一家设计公司工作。 这是一件好事,因为它将为我提供更多的时间来玩ColdFusion并在这里传递我的知识。

But this is also a bad thing because it means I have to move from Arizona to Georgia by the 22nd! I’m currently in the process of packing up my family, our house, and three cats for a cross country journey which is sure to rival any “homeward bound” movie.

但这也是一件坏事,因为这意味着我必须在22日之前从亚利桑那州搬到乔治亚州! 目前,我正在收拾家人,房子和三只猫的越野旅行,这肯定可以与任何“向往家”的电影匹敌。

So my postings are going to be slim the next week or so as I move, transition, get settled and of course re-establish Internet access.


In the meantime keep hitting the forums with your questions thoughts and more. They have been really busy lately and I’ve enjoyed watching the growth of everyone (including myself) as well as the willingness to share.

同时,请通过您的问题思想和更多内容来访问论坛。 他们最近真的很忙,我很喜欢看着所有人(包括我自己)的成长以及分享的意愿。

For example our very own David Medlock, who got this CF blog going, recently posted a very quick and dirty directory browser script. I for one love it and have used it here and there when I was in a bind.

例如,拥有我们这个CF博客的我们自己的David Medlock最近发布了一个非常快速且肮脏的目录浏览器脚本 。 我一个人喜欢它,当我处于困境中时就在这里和那里使用过它。

It’s sharing like this which made the PHP communities so strong and is one of the things I’ve always felt the CF community lacked continuity in. Looks like we are on the path tol change that,starting here at Sitepoint!


P.s. If you have something you’d like to share while I’m gone, just use the contact form and send it my way. If I like what I see and feel the rest of the community will like it too I’ll post it as a guest contributor to this blog!

附言:如果您想在我走后分享一些东西,只需使用联系表格并以我的方式发送即可。 如果我喜欢我所看到的内容,并感觉到社区的其他成员也将喜欢它,那么我会将其发布为该博客的嘉宾!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/head-east-young-man/

