
tech2024-05-18  104


Intrusion detection and change management are often associated with expensive enterprise systems out of reach of many individual and small businesses offering hosting and development services.


Another golden kernel from the open source community has been addressing this with a free Linux implementation of their enterprise solution. Tripwire has been a favorite for many due to its granular change management control over the filesystem. An rpm or source download is available from Tripwire’s open source site. Tripwire is best deployed immediately on a newly built server, however, once installed on any server you have set a benchmark going forward for system security.

开源社区的另一个黄金内核一直在通过其企业解决方案的免费Linux实施解决这一问题。 Tripwire由于对文件系统的细化变更管理控制而受到许多人的喜爱。 可以从Tripwire的开源站点上下载rpm或源代码 。 Tripwire最好立即部署在新建的服务器上,但是,一旦安装在任何服务器上,您都将为系统安全性设定基准。

The program monitors key attributes of files that should not change, including binary signature, size, and so on. Additionally, for files that are expected to change (log files, httpd.conf, etc.), the Tripwire configuration policy enables settings to watch elements that should not change, such as user, group, and permissions.

该程序监视不应更改的文件的关键属性,包括二进制签名,大小等。 此外,对于预期会更改的文件(日志文件,httpd.conf等),Tripwire配置策略使设置可以监视不应更改的元素,例如用户,组和权限。

The configuration policy is available to be customized for your particular situation, and various levels of monitoring can be instituted for differing directories such as /etc, /usr, /root, and /var with special rules and adjustment to which elements of directories or files are being monitored.

可以根据您的特定情况自定义配置策略,并且可以对具有特殊规则的不同目录(例如/ etc,/ usr,/ root和/ var)进行各种级别的监视,并可以调整目录或文件的元素被监视。

Upon initial install and configuration of the policy, the Tripwire database, which holds the baseline for your filesystem, is created with a manual run, and then the program is prepared to watch your filesystem. Both the policy and database can be encrypted and changed only with an administrator’s passphrase and the passphrase for your signing key that Tripwire generates.

初始安装和配置策略后,将使用手动运行方式创建保存文件系统基线的Tripwire数据库,然后准备监视该文件系统的程序。 只能使用管理员的密码和Tripwire生成的签名密钥的密码对策略和数据库进行加密和更改。

Once running to your preference, Tripwire can be placed in cron to run on a schedule and will email reports based on scans. The program enables you to authorize, suspend and/or rollback changes found in the scan based on your commands after reviewing each email.

一旦按您的喜好运行,Tripwire便可以放置在cron中以按计划运行,并将基于扫描通过电子邮件发送报告。 该程序使您可以在查看每封电子邮件后根据命令来授权,暂停和/或回滚在扫描中发现的更改。

For the truly paranoid, Tripwire reports can be sent direct to print from the server as an intruder would need physical access to prevent the report from printing, whereas an email could be intercepted.


Finally, Tripwire can be installed on multiple servers with a single configuration file serving as the central policy (with custom directives for each host). Tripwire’s open source for Linux is supported via forums on Sourceforge.

最后,Tripwire可以安装在多个服务器上,并使用一个配置文件作为中心策略(每个主机都带有自定义指令)。 Tripwire的Linux开源通过Sourceforge上的论坛来支持。

In addition, Tripwire offers an upgrade path to their commercial Tripwire for Servers for Linux and Unix (and Windows) servers with commercial support, found at their commercial site .



