
tech2024-05-19  86


Flash MX 2004 brought with it several new features and one which although noted as one of the animation and rich media additions has not received as good a press as it could have done initially but is now gathering momentum within the Flash community.

Flash MX 2004带来了几项新功能,其中一项虽然被称为动画和富媒体功能之一,但没有像最初那样受到媒体的好评,但现在在Flash社区中积蓄了动力。

The new addition to the fold are known collectively as Timeline Effects and are primarily aimed at the Flash Beginner to increase their productivity for common procedures such as simple effects and tweening.


What happens if you consider yourself to be an intermediate or advanced advocate of Flash? Do they still have a place in your arsenal? Well… yes and no. There are two main Timeline Effects that are quite handy and these are Copy to Grid and Distribute Duplicate, both of which are timesavers for rapid duplication of instances into a grid like structure and gradated duplication with control of many factors.

如果您认为自己是Flash的中级或高级拥护者,会发生什么? 他们在您的武器库中还有地方吗? 好吧,是的,不是。 有两个非常方便的主要时间轴效果,分别是“复制到网格”和“分布重复”,这两个时间节省时间用于将实例快速复制到类似结构的网格中,并在许多因素的控制下进行分级复制。

But what about the Explode, Expand and Blur Timeline Effects? Sure they are kind of handy for the beginner, but in my opinion won’t get much use after a while, especially after you start to get familiar with ActionScript as there as there are only so many iterations and types of effect that you can produce with the effects as compared to scripted control mechanisms.

但是爆炸,扩展和模糊时间轴效果如何? 当然,它们对于初学者来说很方便,但我认为一段时间后不会有太多用处,尤其是在您开始熟悉ActionScript之后,因为可以产生的迭代和效果类型非常多与脚本控制机制相比具有效果。

With the rewrite of the latest version of Flash, the integrated JavaScript API (JSAPI) enables you to create your own Timeline Effects, commands and panels for use in Flash.

通过重写最新版本的Flash,集成JavaScript API(JSAPI)使您可以创建自己的时间轴效果,命令和面板以在Flash中使用。

Whilst the initial batch of Timeline Effects that shipped with the product were not amazingly inspiring, there were several 3rd party extensions released that are very interesting indeed; PixelFX, DistortFX and TextFX. These commercial Timeline Effects came bundled for a short time with MX Studio 2004 and are now available for download through the Macromedia store (http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/extensions/).

虽然产品随附的第一批时间轴效果并不令人惊讶,但确实发布了一些非常有趣的第三方扩展。 PixelFX,DistortFX和TextFX。 这些商业化的时间轴效果与MX Studio 2004捆绑在一起的时间很短,现在可以通过Macromedia商店( http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/extensions/ )下载。

These Timeline Effects really do showcase the JSAPI and how it can be utilized to create tantalizing effects within Flash both to the beginner and advanced user.


You can create your own Timeline Effects after perusing the JSAPI documentation (see below) and command panels to aid your own productivity within Flash and I


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/timeline-effects-and-flash-extensibility/

