
tech2024-05-19  109


In the opening salvo of a competitive marketing campaign, Sybase announced last Wednesday the release of an Express Edition of its flagship enterprise database product, Adaptive Server Enterprise, for the Linux community.

在竞争性营销活动的开幕式中,Sybase于上周三宣布为Linux社区发布了其旗舰企业数据库产品Adaptive Server Enterprise Express Edition。

This is great news for web developers of all stripes as it is the only free robust database on the marketplace with full support for ANSI compliance for SQL, full-featured stored procedures and triggers and hooks for Java, .Net and XML among other web services.

这对各行各业的Web开发人员来说是个好消息,因为它是市场上唯一免费的强大数据库,完全支持ANSISQL遵从性,功能齐全的存储过程以及Java,.Net和XML的触发器和挂钩以及其他Web服务。 。

Clearly Sybase is not open source. However, many web professionals suffice with MySQL and PostgreSQL, which I endorse myself as excellent production tools. However, both have lagged in bringing features to the same level as proprietary competitors. Being that Sybase is offering the free database server for production — I would encourage developers to evaluate it (after all it does not cost you anything!). To our benefit, we may find that it raises the bar and encourages speedier development of these anticipated functions from MySQL and others on the open source side.

显然,Sybase不是开源的。 但是,许多Web专业人士都可以使用MySQL和PostgreSQL,我将其视为出色的生产工具。 但是,两者都无法将功能提升到与专有竞争对手相同的水平。 Sybase正在为生产提供免费的数据库服务器-我鼓励开发人员对其进行评估(毕竟它不花您任何钱!)。 为了我们的利益,我们可能会发现它提高了标准并鼓励MySQL和其他开源方面的这些预期功能的更快开发。

Sybase competitors Oracle and IBM offer developer licenses, however, none provide a production license without cost. Sybase’s Express Edition has a 2 GB RAM and 5 GB disk database storage limit though that should be plenty of room for many web applications.

Sybase的竞争对手Oracle和IBM提供了开发人员许可证,但是没有一个免费提供生产许可证。 Sybase的Express Edition具有2 GB的RAM和5 GB的磁盘数据库存储限制,尽管这对于许多Web应用程序来说应该有足够的空间。

David Jacobson, senior director of database and tools marketing at Sybase, said the goal is to entice people to try ASE.

Sybase数据库和工具营销高级总监David Jacobson表示,目标是吸引人们尝试ASE。

“We see our market in three segments, those running open source solutions, those on IBM and Oracle databases and those running Microsoft SQL Server,” Jacobson said.

雅各布森说:“我们将市场划分为三个部分:运行开源解决方案的市场,运行IBM和Oracle数据库的市场以及运行Microsoft SQL Server的市场。”

“This is a way to help customers get a single CPU development and production server running as pilots,” Jacobson said, which should also help those with needs that exceed the free license limits evaluate ASE without cost.


This also has positive implications for those running the Macintosh platform due to the intersection of Linux and the PowerPC architecture courtesy of Terra Soft Solutions, makers of Yellow Dog Linux (YDL). Terra Soft recently released YDL 4.0, supporting the latest G5 systems from Apple.

由于Linux和Yellow Dog Linux(YDL)的制造商Terra Soft Solutions提供的PowerPC架构相交,这对于运行Macintosh平台的人也具有积极意义。 Terra Soft最近发布了YDL 4.0,支持Apple最新的G5系统。

Although Sybase guidelines suggest the Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Express Edition install is certified for Intel-based Linux distributions, both OS X and Yellow Dog Linux on Apple hardware have the capability of meeting minimum requirements. Sybase’s commercial versions of ASE natively support OS X.

尽管Sybase准则建议Adaptive Server Enterprise(ASE)Express Edition安装已通过基于Intel的Linux发行版的认证,但是OS X和Apple硬件上的Yellow Dog Linux都具有满足最低要求的能力。 Sybase的ASE商业版本本机支持OSX。

Apple platform users may find the Sybase solution workable with the G5 Xserve, which comes optimized for data-driven solutions, especially those built for the Web architecture.

Apple平台用户可能会发现Sybase解决方案可与G5 Xserve一起使用,该解决方案针对数据驱动的解决方案进行了优化,尤其是针对Web体系结构构建的解决方案。

The Xserve comes ready-made with LDAP, the Apache Web server and a JBoss/Tomcat combo of Java application servers, all engines that can interact with ASE.

Xserve已随LDAP,Apache Web服务器和Java应用程序服务器的JBoss / Tomcat组合现成,所有可与ASE交互的引擎。

Growth Potential: Gartner DataQuest statistics show that Sybase reaped $90 million in license revenues in each of the Windows and Unix marketplaces in 2003. In the Linux sector, the company was dwarfed by IBM and Oracle, who together accounted for more than 95 percent of Linux database license revenues in 2003.

增长潜力:Gartner DataQuest的统计数据表明,2003年Sybase在Windows和Unix每个市场中获得了9000万美元的许可收入。在Linux领域,该公司被IBM和Oracle相形见,,二者合计占Linux的95%以上2003年的数据库许可证收入。

According to Amit Satoor, senior group marketing manager at Sybase, his company is setting itself apart from other free offerings via the aforementioned ANSI compliance and a roadmap to high availability capabilities.

Sybase高级集团营销经理Amit Satoor表示,他的公司通过上述ANSI法规遵从性和高可用性功能路线图,将自己与其他免费产品区分开来。

It must be noted that MySQL recently released clustering technology, though it is not yet been a year and may be considered unproven.


Jacobson said Sybase will go head to head against its core competitors, IBM and Oracle, with aggressive pricing.


Roadmap to Real Time Data Services: The Express Edition does not include support. Customers can purchase a service package, if needed, with the download for just over $2,000. Additionally, the company hopes it will draw in users who might grow and migrate to multiple CPU and cluster deployments.

实时数据服务路线图:Express Edition不包括支持。 客户可以根据需要购买服务包,下载价格仅为2,000美元。 此外,该公司希望它将吸引可能成长并迁移到多个CPU和群集部署的用户。

This would expand capabilities to include mirror activator for redundancy and dynamic archiving to ease data access and storage management that can come into play when using multiple database servers.


Pricing for additional licensing beyond the Express Edition, which has 2 GB of memory and a 5 GB storage limit, starts at $4,995 per CPU for small business and $24,995 for enterprise licenses.

Express Edition拥有2 GB的内存和5 GB的存储限制,超出其他许可证的定价,小型企业的起价为每个CPU 4,995美元,企业许可的起价为24,995美元。



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