
tech2024-05-19  85


This is the first of two articles that will outline a little of what you can do in the realms of online games with Flash MX.

这是两篇文章的第一篇,概述了您可以使用Flash MX在在线游戏领域中进行的一些操作。

In this article I’ll review the guidelines, and some tips you can use to make your games Web-friendly through Flash Player. The second article will look at how to build a Snowboarding game with Flash MX.

在本文中,我将回顾这些准则以及一些技巧,您可以使用这些技巧通过Flash Player使游戏对网络友好。 第二篇文章将介绍如何使用Flash MX构建Snowboarding游戏。

In this article, we’ll explore the game process as a whole, and discuss why you need to think about using Flash MX to develop your games.

在本文中,我们将探讨整个游戏过程,并讨论为什么需要考虑使用Flash MX开发游戏的原因。

Flash is a very flexible tool for building games that are both entertaining and educational.


在一开始的时候… (In the Beginning…)

In the beginning there was Pong. And it was good. And it went PING! Unless, you lost, in which case you got only a grunt from the console.

一开始是傍。 很好。 它去了平! 除非您输了,否则在控制台中只会发出咕gr声。

The year was 1975, I was just a kid and was living in Flint, Michigan. My dad, an early computer junkie, had just scored big at the latest rummage sale and had come home with a game console. He brought it into the house very much like the Neanderthals probably did with their first dead Ox a few thousand years ago – it was held high over his head as he let out a roar of triumph. We spent the whole weekend playing Pong and Tennis on the TV. Man, that was cool!

那年是1975年,那时我还很小,当时住在密歇根州的弗林特。 我父亲是一位早期的计算机迷,在最新的一次流行音乐拍卖会上得分很高,并且带着游戏机回家了。 他把它带进了房子,就像尼安德特人可能在几千年前与他们的第一只死牛一样-当他发出凯旋声时,它就高高举过头顶。 我们整个周末都在电视上打乒乓球和网球。 伙计,那太酷了!

Since those dizzy days, game systems have gone through massive changes. In the UK we saw the Sinclair Spectrum (see following figure) in 1981, quickly followed by the Commodore 64. Both systems allowed users to write their own games and save the game to an audio tape. I can still remember typing in Basic and trying to get the simple game of Break Out to work.

从那些令人头晕的日子开始,游戏系统经历了巨大的变化。 在英国,我们在1981年看到了Sinclair Spectrum(见下图),紧随其后的是Commodore64。两种系统都允许用户编写自己的游戏并将游戏保存到录音带上。 我仍然记得输入Basic并试图使Break Out这个简单的游戏正常工作。

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum, above, boasted 8 colors and 48Kb of memory!

上面的Sinclair ZX Spectrum拥有8种颜色和48Kb的内存!

Companies such as Nintendo and Sega quickly changed the game console business with the introduction of the Nintendo Family System and Sega Genesis. A whole new level of graphics, sound and interaction were introduced to users.

任天堂和世嘉等公司通过引入任天堂家庭系统和世嘉GenesisSwift改变了游戏机业务。 向用户介绍了图形,声音和交互的全新境界。

The next big leap for game users came with the PC. Quake, Wolfenstein, and Tomb Raider re-wrote how we play games not just on a PC but against each other across Local Area Networks. Today, systems such as Microsoft’s X-Box, Nintendo’s Game Cube and, of course, Sony’s Playstation II are delivering mind boggling graphics that aim to simulate reality in their detail. And Sony is bragging that we have seen nothing yet.

PC为游戏用户带来了下一个飞跃。 雷神之锤》,《德军总部》和《古墓丽影》改写了我们不仅在PC上玩游戏,而且在局域网之间相互对抗的游戏。 如今,诸如Microsoft的X-Box,任天堂的Game Cube以及索尼的Playstation II之类的系统正在提供令人难以置信的图形,目的是在细节上模拟现实。 索尼吹牛说我们还什么都没看到。

使用网络 (Using the Web)

So… where is Flash in all of this?


You have to look to the Web. While everything has been moving along very quickly for the game console world one significant flaw has remained. To play a game developed for the Playstation, you must own a Playstation. The Web, on the other hand, only requires that you have a connection to the Internet, a Web browser and the Flash Player.

您必须查看网络。 尽管游戏机世界的一切进展非常Swift,但仍然存在一个重大缺陷。 要玩为Playstation开发的游戏,您必须拥有Playstation。 另一方面,Web仅要求您连接到Internet,Web浏览器和Flash Player。

Flash is the de facto plugin for all Web browsers. Flash comes installed on every new PC (it’s part of the default Windows XP installation) and Mac. In fact, Flash has been there since Windows 98. You will also find Flash installed on most PDAs and many interactive Cell Phones such as DoCoMo’s media phone, which is sold in Japan. What I’m basically saying is that Flash is everywhere. In fact over 520 million unique installations of Flash have been recorded, accounting for 96%+ of all Internet Users.

Flash是所有Web浏览器的事实上的插件。 在每台新PC(默认Windows XP安装的一部分)和Mac上都安装了Flash。 实际上,Flash自Windows 98以来就已经存在。您还将在大多数PDA和许多交互式手机(例如DoCoMo的媒体电话,日本销售)上安装Flash。 我基本上是说Flash无处不在。 实际上,已经记录了超过5.2亿次独特的Flash安装,占所有Internet用户的96%以上。

为什么要闪光? (Why Flash?)

Now, you and I both know that Flash is ubiquitous. But, how do you know you want to use it for your online games? Well, this raises a tricky problem. Traditionally, the Web browser has not been kind to online games. The challenge has been to find a solution that will deliver high quality graphics over dial-up connections. Even with the big shift to broadband, nearly 50% of all Internet users still use a dial-up modem to get online.

现在,您和我俩都知道Flash无处不在。 但是,您怎么知道要在在线游戏中使用它呢? 好吧,这提出了一个棘手的问题。 传统上,Web浏览器并不适合在线游戏。 面临的挑战是找到一种解决方案,该解决方案将通过拨号连接提供高质量的图形。 即使已经向宽带迈进了一大步,将近50%的Internet用户仍使用拨号调制解调器上网。

Graphics, video and audio all stack up to produce large files. The way around this for years has been to sell a CD-ROMs, which install the large media files and then connect you to the Internet so that the system can pass your computer information about the movements of a character, and to update your system with the latest patches. Again, the problem here is that you need a CD before you can begin to use the game.

图形,视频和音频全部叠加在一起以生成大文件。 多年来,一直在解决这种问题的方法是出售CD-ROM,该CD-ROM安装大的媒体文件,然后将您连接到Internet,以便系统可以传递有关角色移动的计算机信息,并使用最新补丁。 同样,这里的问题是您需要CD才能开始使用游戏。

Flash is able to help you work through these problems, however, by placing all rich content onto the Web and delivering it to you through your Web Browser. The Macromedia Flash Benefit

但是,Flash可以通过将所有丰富的内容放到Web上并通过Web浏览器将其交付给您来帮助您解决这些问题。 Macromedia Flash的好处

To begin with, the core competency of Flash has always been to deliver broadband experiences over dial-up connections. Through using Flash’s native Vector graphics animation format, you can deliver crisp, stunning graphics in very small files.

首先,Flash的核心竞争力一直是通过拨号连接提供宽带体验。 通过使用Flash的本机Vector图形动画格式,您可以在非常小的文件中提供清晰,震撼的图形。

Flash also has another trick up its sleeve — its own programming language, called ActionScript. ActionScript is based upon JavaScript. If you are a JavaScript wiz then you will be able to migrate to ActionScript very easily. If you are new to ActionScript and programming in general you will find that ActionScript, pictured below, is both logical and easy to master.

Flash还有另外一个技巧-它自己的编程语言,称为ActionScript。 ActionScript基于JavaScript。 如果您是JavaScript向导,则可以非常轻松地迁移到ActionScript。 如果您不熟悉ActionScript和进行编程,那么您会发现,如下图所示,ActionScript既逻辑又易于掌握。

The latest version of Flash delivers a few more punches, to give you the tools you need to deliver complex games over the Internet. Audio and Video are given much more attention. You can now separate MP3 files from your Flash Movie, and stream them from the Web Server. Flash MX enables you to import and compress video into your Flash movies. Flash Video, the name for video converted for Flash, is based upon a compression algorithm developed by Sorenson (if that name sounds familiar, you’ll find that Sorenson also did a lot of work on QuickTime 6).

最新版本的Flash提供了更多功能,可为您提供通过Internet交付复杂游戏所需的工具。 音频和视频受到更多关注。 现在,您可以将MP3文件从Flash电影中分离出来,并从Web服务器中流式传输它们。 Flash MX使您可以将视频导入并压缩到Flash电影中。 Flash Video是为Flash转换的视频的名称,它基于Sorenson开发的压缩算法(如果听起来很熟悉,您会发现Sorenson在QuickTime 6上也做了很多工作)。

Both of these features can also be broadcast through Macromedia’s latest tool, Flash Communication Server MX 1.5. The Communication Server enables you to share Flash movies with people accessing your site through a Web Browser. You can also broadcast video/audio over the Internet through the Flash Player with the Communication Server. The result is that you have a high impact media delivery system that can be pushed through one plugin: the Flash Player.

这两个功能也可以通过Macromedia的最新工具Flash Communication Server MX 1.5进行广播。 Communication Server使您可以与通过Web浏览器访问您的站点的人们共享Flash电影。 您还可以通过带有Communication Server的Flash Player通过Internet广播视频/音频。 结果是您拥有一个可以通过一个插件推送的强大影响力的媒体传递系统:Flash Player。

Add in the new Flash MX Component Technology, tighter integration to your databases with Flash Remoting and broad 3rd party support for add in features such as 3D, and suddenly Flash is the newest game-tool-developing-application-solution on the block.

加上新的Flash MX组件技术,借助Flash Remoting和对第三方功能的广泛第三方支持,可以更紧密地集成到数据库中,例如3D等附加功能。突然之间,Flash成为了最新的游戏工具开发应用程序解决方案。

今日Flash游戏 (Flash Games Today)

The types of Flash games that are now beginning to hit the Internet, closely emulate the old Console games of the ’80’s. There are a lot of Tetris clones and PacMan rip-offs. But, these are just the experiments that need to be done to test out a new technology. The same thing happened with the PC: the first PC games were classics such as Solitaire (take a few minutes at lunch to walk round the office and count the number of people playing solitaire on their computers).

现在开始在互联网上流行的Flash游戏类型与80年代的老式Console游戏非常相似。 有很多俄罗斯方块克隆和PacMan盗版。 但是,这些只是测试新技术所需进行的实验。 在PC机上发生了同样的事情:第一款PC游戏是经典游戏,例如纸牌游戏(在午餐时间花几分钟时间在办公室里走动,并计算在计算机上玩单人纸牌游戏的人数)。

Where Flash will take game developers is now beginning to materialize. Strangely, the first place we’ve seen Flash games developed is in the advertising arena. The new medium of online commercials is Flash. You can see it on sites such as, and C| All of these sites leverage rich media advertising (a.k.a. Flash). Companies that have been very successful with interactive Flash advertising include VW, with their VW Beatles’ Flash Ads.

Flash将带给游戏开发者什么地方现在开始成为现实。 奇怪的是,我们看到Flash游戏开发的第一处就是广告领域。 在线广告的新媒介是Flash。 您可以在,CNN.com和C | NET.com等网站上看到它。 所有这些网站都利用了富媒体广告(又名Flash)。 在互动Flash广告方面非常成功的公司包括大众及其大众甲壳虫乐队的Flash广告。

You can also check out Websites such as was once the last stand for Director developed games. Now you’ll find that many of the new games are developed with Flash.

您也可以查看Shockwave.com等网站。 Shockwave.com曾经是Director开发游戏的最后一站。 现在,您会发现许多新游戏都是使用Flash开发的。

The next step developers can take with Flash today is to make Flash games interactive. This can be done with current Flash Player -– you can use with Flash Remoting, Flash Communication Server or XML:Sockets to do this.

开发人员今天可以使用Flash的下一步就是使Flash游戏具有交互性。 这可以使用当前的Flash Player来完成-您可以将其与Flash Remoting,Flash Communication Server或XML:Sockets一起使用。

好处 (The Benefits)

What this means is that you can expect the world online gaming to grow significantly because of Flash. With Flash you enjoy many benefits:

这意味着您可以预期,由于Flash,全球在线游戏将显着增长。 使用Flash,您可以享受许多好处:

Small files developed specifically for distribution over the Internet

专为通过Internet分发而开发的小文件 Support for rich media formats such as Graphics, Audio and Video

支持丰富的媒体格式,例如图形,音频和视频 Multi-user environments through XML:Socket Servers and Flash Communication Server

通过XML的多用户环境:套接字服务器和Flash Communication Server Third Party Support for additional tools, such as 3D

第三方支持其他工具,例如3D A universal format – almost everyone has Flash


In the next article in this series, you’ll learn how to build a Flash game. Stay tuned!

在本系列的下一篇文章中,您将学习如何构建Flash游戏。 敬请关注!


