
tech2024-05-19  101


I’d like to introduce myself: my name is Kay Smoljak and I’m a ColdFusion developer. I’m going to be posting here from time to time on topics related to my development language of choice.

我想自我介绍:我叫Kay Smoljak,我是ColdFusion开发人员。 我将不时在这里发布与我选择的开发语言相关的主题。

I’ve been coding in CF for a while now. I started way back in 1999 – the version 4 days – when Netscape Navigator 4 ruled the web, PHP was at version 3 and the dot com bubble was just starting to get interesting.

我已经在CF中编码了一段时间了。 我可以追溯到1999年(版本4天),当时Netscape Navigator 4统治了网络,PHP的版本为3,dot com泡沫也开始变得有趣起来。

Things certainly have changed since that time. Over the course of four versions and a complete rewrite in Java, Allaire ColdFusion became Macromedia ColdFusion and then found a new home at Adobe. What hasn’t changed is that CF is still not well-known in the general web development community, and a lot of misinformation regularly makes the rounds of both individuals’ blogs and large tech publications.

自那时以来,情况肯定发生了变化。 经过四个版本并用Java进行了完全重写,Allaire ColdFusion成为Macromedia ColdFusion,然后在Adobe找到了新家。 并没有改变的是,CF在一般的Web开发社区中仍然不为人所知,并且经常有很多错误信息使个人博客和大型技术出版物都走回头路。

So, I’m going to be doing what I can to dispel those nasty myths (number one: no, ColdFusion is not dead!) and highlight some of the cool things that are happening in the ColdFusion community. There’s certainly a lot to cover: from frameworks to open source projects, from built-in features like reporting, image manipulation and Ajax controls to third party tools and IDEs. Not to mention integration with other Adobe products like Flex, Flash, Acrobat and AIR.

因此,我将尽我所能消除那些令人讨厌的神话(第一:不,ColdFusion还没有死!),并强调ColdFusion社区中发生的一些很酷的事情。 当然要涉及很多内容:从框架到开源项目,从内置功能(如报告,图像处理和Ajax控件)到第三方工具和IDE。 更不用说与其他Adobe产品(例如Flex,Flash,Acrobat和AIR)的集成。

As if that’s not enough, even though version 8 has been out less than three months, at the MAX North America conference just a couple of weeks ago Adobe showed a sneak peak of what’s coming in version 9. For the ColdFusion developer, exciting times lie ahead!


Now, over to you: is there something in particular you’d like to see covered, a question you’d like to see explored or a favourite myth that needs busting? Leave a comment, and I’ll see if I can answer or more likely, find someone else to bug for a response.

现在,给您的是:是否特别想让您了解某些内容,想要探索的问题或需要打破的神话? 发表评论,我会看看我是否可以回答,或者更有可能,找其他人来回应。


