
tech2024-05-20  101


…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

Okay, I wanted to post something about companies, organizations, and people doing cool things with ColdFusion. Here are just a few:

好的,我想发布一些有关公司,组织和使用ColdFusion做酷事情的人的信息。 这里仅仅是少数: I’ve downloaded some of the free tags and apps that the guys at CFDev have created and plan on checking them out thoroughly. But, even the software that they have for sale is noteworthy. Think of the things you can do with it:

cfdev.com我已经下载了CFDev的家伙创建的一些免费标签和应用程序,并计划进行彻底检查。 但是,即使他们出售的软件也是值得注意的。 考虑一下您可以使用它执行的操作:

– EmailVerifier: Check an email address using syntax, DNS MX lookup, top level domain validation, and mail server validation. I’d like to see someone enter a fake address with that kind of validation… – Translate: Uses babelfish translation engine to translate from one language into another. – CFX_Soap: A SOAP client built in Java for ColdFusion.

– EmailVerifier:使用语法,DNS MX查找,顶级域验证和邮件服务器验证来检查电子邮件地址。 我希望看到有人通过这种验证输入虚假地址…–翻译:使用babelfish翻译引擎将一种语言翻译成另一种语言。 – CFX_Soap:使用Java为ColdFusion内置的SOAP客户端。

There’s much more cool stuff on


Another one that is very cool is a project called FusionScript. The site used to be at, though it looks like its been snatched up by a domain squatter recently. There’s a SourceForge project here. FusionScript began development in 2001 or early 2002. I was actually working at DigiScript with Nate Nielsen, the developer for FusionScript. (I even started helping with converting a ColdFusion encryption algorithm to Java, but I don’t think I ever finished it and doubt it made it into the final release…)

另一个非常酷的项目是一个名为FusionScript的项目。 该站点曾经位于 ,尽管看起来它最近被域名抢注者抢走了。 有一个SourceForge项目在这里 。 FusionScript于2001或2002年初开始开发。我实际上是与FusionScript的开发人员Nate Nielsen一起在DigiScript工作的。 (我什至开始帮助将ColdFusion加密算法转换为Java,但我想我还没有完成,并且怀疑它是否已成为最终版本……)

FusionScript allows ColdFusion developers to utilize JavaScript and DHTML functionality without needing to know JavaScript or DHTML. It’s a simplified way of implementing complex functionality and UI elements without the complexity of learning to develop them yourself. You can use this set of custom tags to do everything in a syntax you’re used to. It also has/had an ActiveServer engine that allowed you to communicate with the server via a Java applet without having to refresh the page. That’s probably not needed at this point with the advent of Flash remoting, but at the time it was cool stuff.

FusionScript使ColdFusion开发人员无需了解JavaScript或DHTML即可利用JavaScript和DHTML功能。 这是实现复杂功能和UI元素的简化方法,而无需学习自行开发它们的复杂性。 您可以使用这组自定义标签以惯用的语法执行所有操作。 它还具有/具有ActiveServer引擎,该引擎使您可以通过Java小程序与服务器进行通信,而不必刷新页面。 随着Flash远程处理的到来,在这一点上可能并不需要这样做,但在当时是很酷的事情。

Anyway, I definitely recommend checking these out as well as sharing the projects that you find interesting or that you feel really contribute to the ColdFusion community in some way.


*Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with anyone mentioned here other than the fact that I think they have some very cool projects available.*



