
tech2024-05-20  105

Brian Jones has listed his ‘perfect world’ wish list from a system administrator’s perspective over at While we all will not agree on all points, he certainly raises some core issues we all deal with or dwell upon.

Brian Jones在Linux.com上从系统管理员的角度列出了他的“完美世界”愿望清单 。 虽然我们不会在所有问题上达成共识,但他无疑提出了一些我们都将处理或关注的核心问题。

Much like any other broad-stroke issue, utopia will never be reached, however, the more we find in common as system and web administrators, the more we have a growing common voice. By putting our collective positions into the marketplace, we do help drive some of the innovation that will address some of these concerns.

与其他任何大笔交易一样,乌托邦永远也不会实现,但是,我们作为系统和Web管理员的共同点越多,我们的共同声音就越多。 通过将我们的集体立场推向市场,我们确实有助于推动一些创新,以解决其中的一些问题。

We are seeing innovations now that attempt to start addressing Jones’ points, including:


Operating systems that co-exist on networks with reduced levels of complex configuration

降低了复杂配置级别的网络上共存的操作系统 Standards-based organizations gaining momentum, both non-profit and private groups (W3C, Mail Abuse Working Group, and more)

基于标准的组织(非营利组织和私人组织)蓬勃发展(W3C,邮件滥用工作组,ConsortiumInfo.org等) PDA and smart phone makers taking mobile functionality and web-based services to the next level


Rather than crumbling over differences, technologists of all stripes need to find common ground issues and lobby for them tirelessly. It does make a difference. Personally, rather than expending energy on rant sites and griping about what we do not have, I believe we should shift that opining to politicians and their staff around the world and insure government bodies ARE properly educated about technology issues.

各行各业的技术人员不仅需要解决差异,还需要找到共同的地面问题,并为他们进行不懈的游说。 它的确有所作为。 就个人而言,我认为与其将精力浪费在繁琐的工作上,而不是烦恼我们所没有的东西,我不应该将这种观点转移给世界各地的政客及其员工,并确保对政府机构进行有关技术问题的适当教育。

