tech2024-05-20  99

I live in a small town and the closet big city is about two hours away. This is all about to change in about 3 weeks when I up root myself and my family and head for the green hills of Atlanta GA.

我住在一个小镇,距离大衣橱只有两个小时的路程。 当我让自己和家人扎根并前往亚特兰大GA的绿色山丘时,这一切都会在大约3周内改变。

Once in GA my first call of duty (besides buying a house, and getting settled into work) will be to see out the local ColdFusion User Group (CFUG) and get involved.


User Groups can be a great way to mingle with other like minds, learn and teach new CF things as well as building lasting relationships on both a business and personal level.


Currently Ben Forta is on a whirlwind trip around the country (even in Canada!) to visit a large number of these CFUGs. You can find out if he’ll be near you but visiting his site www.forta.com. I recommend if he’s in your area that you stop by and see this presentation. He’s got a lot to say about the next version of ColdFusion and he’s just an all around great person.

目前,本·福特(Ben Forta)正在全国各地(甚至在加拿大!)进行旋风之旅,以访问大量这些CFUG。 您可以查看他是否会在您附近,但可以访问他的网站www.forta.com 。 我建议他是否在您所停留的区域并查看此演示文稿。 关于下一个版本的ColdFusion,他有很多话要说,而且他是个全能的人。

If you do attend one of these events do us little people a favor and post your thoughts and notes in the SP forums.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/do-you-cfug/
