
tech2024-05-20  87


December often provides a little extra time to catch up on my reading, and one of those books this year is the new Beginning PHP5 and MySQL e-Commerce (Apress) by Cristian Darie and Mihai Bucica.

十二月通常会为我的阅读提供额外的时间,今年的其中一本书是Cristian Darie和Mihai Bucica撰写的新书Beginning PHP5和MySQL电子商务 (Apress)。

Being in the process of moving some development systems to PHP 5, I have been soaking up texts on what’s new with PHP5 as it interacts with Apache, MySQL and the rest of the Linux and Mac OS X atmosphere. This work fit right in, and also serves as a fantastic primer for anyone joining the fray in designing and developing online commerce solutions.

在将一些开发系统移植到PHP 5的过程中,我一直在吸收有关PHP5的新功能的文章,因为它与Apache,MySQL以及Linux和Mac OS X的其余部分交互。 这项工作很合适,也可以为参与设计和开发在线商务解决方案的任何人提供出色的入门指南。

Darie and Bucica are directly addressing the newer and intermediate PHP programmer with their effort – a fairly substantial audience. Probably the single best accomplishment in this book is prepping the developer with some foundation theory on e-commerce architecture as well as a brief but excellent primer on project management as an appendix.

Darie和Bucica用他们的努力直接面向了新手和中级PHP程序员-相当多的读者。 本书中最好的一项成就可能就是为开发人员准备了一些有关电子商务体系结构的基础理论,以及作为附录的项目管理的简短而出色的入门知识。

The presentation of a three-tier architecture of presentation, business and data layers offers a concise platform roadmap, especially for new developers, to start on the right footing. While there may be many approaches to architecting a web application — this method works well for online store solutions small to large.

呈现,业务和数据层的三层体系结构的呈现提供了一个简明的平台路线图,特别是对于新开发人员而言,可以从正确的位置开始。 尽管可能有许多方法可以构建Web应用程序,但该方法对于小型到大型的在线商店解决方案都适用。

In between, the authors present a clear case and extended ‘how-to’ for assembling an online store which ultimately offers comprehensive services including real-time credit card authorization, alternate PayPal processing, web administration of orders, product reviews as content within store listings and more.


I consider the chapter on implementing dynamic product recommendations priceless. Assembling a “customers who bought this also bought..” function is very slick (and!). Being a consumer I have found those recommendations right on point at some of my favorite online shops.

我认为有关实施动态产品推荐的章节是无价的。 组装一个“购买了此商品的顾客也购买了..”功能非常巧妙(和Amazon.com一样!)。 作为消费者,我在我最喜欢的一些网上商店中找到了这些建议。

Beginning with the framework of a web site, they present an excellent case for using Smarty templates and plug-ins – a potential huge timesaver and productivity tool for endeavors of this nature. Throughout the book are complete and relevant code examples, sometimes sorely missing from other publications. Apress also offers a source code download of everything presented in the text online.

从网站的框架开始,他们为使用Smarty模板和插件提供了一个极好的案例-用于此类活动的潜在的巨大节省时间和生产力工具。 整本书中都有完整且相关的代码示例,有时在其他出版物中却很少。 Apress还提供了源代码下载,可在线下载文本中显示的所有内容。

Wrapping up with good overview of web services by way of the familiar SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) or perhaps the less familiar (to some) REST (Representational State Transfer) will have the developer connecting to’s web services features. One can take knowledge from these exercises and leverage them with other web services resources using either method.

通过熟悉的SOAP(简单对象访问协议)或也许不太熟悉的REST (代表性状态传输)总结Web服务的概述,可使开发人员连接到Amazon.com的Web服务功能。 可以从这些练习中获取知识,并使用任一方法将其与其他Web服务资源一起利用。

What may be missing is perhaps a solid brief as an appendix on the changes to PHP5 and Apache 2. This primarily for those who have spent an extended period of time working with former versions of both. There are plenty of texts and resources dedicated to documenting these changes – however it would have really rounded out an otherwise excellent offering.

作为对PHP5和Apache 2所做更改的附录,可能缺少一个扎实的简介,这主要是针对那些花了很长时间使用这两个版本的人。 有大量文本和资源专用于记录这些更改-但是,它本来可以提供本来不错的产品。

The book sells for $44.99 at the publisher’s site.


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