unity 脚本组件

tech2024-05-20  102

unity 脚本组件

Flash’s radio button component makes creating radio buttons extremely easy.


1. To open the components panel, hit ctrl+f7.

1.要打开组件面板,请按ctrl + f7。

2. Drag the RadioButton component onto the stage. Select the RadioButton component in Frame 1, and the component’s parameters will appear in the Property inspector.

2.将RadioButton组件拖到舞台上。 在第1帧中选择RadioButton组件,该组件的参数将出现在“属性”检查器中。

3. Type "radio" into the Property inspector Instance Name text box.

3.在 “属性检查器实例名称”文本框中键入“ radio”。

4. The inital Value parameter specifies whether the initial state of the RadioButton component is selected (True) or unselected (False).


So, in the Initial Value parameter pop-up menu, select "false" so that the inital state of the radiobutton is unselected.

因此,在“初始值”参数弹出菜单中,选择“ false”,以便取消选择单选按钮的初始状态。

5. Leave the Group Name and Data parameters as they are.


6. In the Label Placement parameter pop-up menu, leave the default value set to right alignment. This will ensure that the label will be displayed to the right of our radio button.

6.在“标签放置”参数弹出菜单中,将默认值设置为右对齐。 这将确保标签将显示在我们的单选按钮的右侧。

That’s all it takes. Test your movie!

这就是全部。 测试你的电影!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radio-button-component/

unity 脚本组件
