
tech2024-05-20  111


The LogValidator from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is a great tool for webmasters and administrators for checking the validity of the documents on web sites, large or small, on a regular basis.


The tool is available via CPAN as a module, W3C::LogValidator, and can also be downloaded and installed manually (see link list below).

该工具可以通过CPAN作为模块W3C :: LogValidator获得,也可以手动下载和安装(请参见下面的链接列表)。

LogValidator has several modules and can be run in cron on a schedule of your choice. Modules include checking for HTML, XHTML and CSS validity. Using a review of your web logs, the program can be configured to return the most popular pages on your site, with a list of files found invalid run through the W3C validator(s). Documents can be updated for validity manually or using a tool such as Tidy, also available from the W3C.

LogValidator有多个模块,可以按您选择的时间表在cron中运行。 模块包括检查HTML,XHTML和CSS有效性。 通过查看您的Web日志,可以将该程序配置为返回站点上最受欢迎的页面,以及通过W3C验证程序运行无效的文件列表。 可以手动更新文档的有效性,也可以使用W3C提供的Tidy之类的工具对其进行有效性更新。

For large sites, the LogValidator can help identify possible problems with template engine output if errors continue to return on new pages being published. Additionally, if your site is large and you intend to run all pages through on a regular basis, you can download and install the W3C validators locally on your network and point the LogValidator configuration file to it.

对于大型站点,如果在发布的新页面上继续出现错误,则LogValidator可以帮助确定模板引擎输出可能存在的问题。 另外,如果您的站点很大,并且您打算定期运行所有页面,则可以在网络上本地下载并安装W3C验证器,然后将LogValidator配置文件指向它。

The configuration file for LogValidator is well documented and easy to customize for your needs. Support for outputting results includes to raw files, HTML reports or via email. It is possible to setup the tool and configuration files to scan multiple sites and send reports via email to those sites respective web administrators.

LogValidator的配置文件有据可查,并且易于根据您的需要进行自定义。 支持将结果输出到原始文件,HTML报告或通过电子邮件。 可以设置工具和配置文件以扫描多个站点,并通过电子邮件将报告发送给相应站点的Web管理员。

Link list:


LogValidator Home –> https://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/LogValidator/

LogValidator主页–> https://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/LogValidator/

LogValidator Manual –> https://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/LogValidator/Manual

LogValidator手册–> https://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/LogValidator/Manual

LogValidator Sample Configuration File –> http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/samples/logprocess.conf?only_with_tag=HEAD

LogValidator示例配置文件–> http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/samples/logprocess.conf?only_with_tag=HEAD

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/logvalidator-from-w3c/

