域名过期 脚本

tech2024-05-20  105

域名过期 脚本

An expired domain name is a lot like a used car. You can’t really be sure who owned it and what they did with it before you came along. With a used car, you risk having some high repair bills — which is bad enough. But a used domain name can be much more expensive. The wrong name can cost you traffic, search engine rank, and respectability!

过期的域名很像二手车。 您真的不确定在您出现之前是谁拥有它以及他们对它做了什么。 对于二手车,您可能要承担高昂的维修费用,这已经够糟了。 但是,使用的域名可能会更加昂贵。 错误的名称可能会浪费您的流量,搜索引擎排名和受人尊敬!

谁放手-为什么? (Who Let It Go – And Why?)

Why did the previous owner fail to renew the name? There are plenty of perfectly innocent reasons. Maybe they:

为什么以前的所有者无法续签该名称? 有很多完全无辜的理由。 也许他们:

Were too busy to keep it up

太忙了,无法跟上 Couldn’t afford it any longer

负担不起 Shut down the business

关门生意 Simply lost interest


Those reasons won’t cause you problems. In fact, they may bring some legacy traffic to your site from previous visitors’ bookmarks.

这些原因不会给您带来麻烦。 实际上,它们可能会从以前的访问者的书签中为您的网站带来一些旧的访问量。

But consider this all-too-common reason why owners relinquish their domain names: they’ve been permanently banned from the search engines as spam sites.


搜索引擎扼杀垃圾网站 (Search Engines Choke On Spam Sites)

Search engines hate spam. It pollutes their search results, consumes storage space, and annoys searchers. Most take aggressive steps to identify spam sites and punish them. The worst offenders get the Web promotion equivalent of the death penalty: the domain name is permanently banned from a search site’s index.

搜索引擎讨厌垃圾邮件。 它污染了他们的搜索结果,消耗了存储空间,并惹恼了搜索者。 大多数都采取积极措施来识别垃圾邮件站点并对其进行惩罚。 最严重的罪犯在网络推广中获得的刑罚与死刑相当:域名从搜索站点的索引中被永久禁止。

When this happens, the domain is worthless to a spammer. All his hard work at fooling search engine algorithms, manipulating META tags, and digging in the link farm is worthless. So he abandons the domain name in favor of one — or more — that still bring traffic.

发生这种情况时,垃圾邮件发送者对该域名毫无价值。 他在愚弄搜索引擎算法,操纵META标签以及在链接服务器场中进行挖掘的所有辛苦工作毫无价值。 因此,他放弃了域名,转而使用一个或多个仍然带来流量的域名。

Soon, the domain name appears on the many lists of expired names, or pops up when someone searches at a domain name registrar.


一个非常昂贵的错误 (A Very Costly Mistake)

This is where you come in. You think you’ve found the name of your dreams and eagerly register it before someone else takes it. Fast-forward a few weeks or months, and your site design is complete. You’re ready to launch!

这就是您要进入的地方。您认为您已经找到了梦想的名字,并在其他人接受之前急切地注册了它。 快进几周或几个月,您的网站设计就完成了。 您已准备好发射!

Naturally, you submit your site to the top search engines and directories and anxiously monitor your server logs for spider visits. But no spiders ever appear… and neither do visitors.

自然,您将站点提交到顶级搜索引擎和目录,并急切地监视服务器日志中的蜘蛛访问。 但是没有蜘蛛出现过……访客也没有出现。

Why not? Your dream name has become every site owner’s nightmare.

为什么不? 您梦想中的名字已经成为每个网站所有者的噩梦。

Unfortunately, there’s little you can do about it. When Google bans a domain name as a spam site, the ban is permanent. It is possible to appeal the ban, but that takes time, effort, and good fortune.

不幸的是,您对此无能为力。 当Google禁止将域名作为垃圾邮件站点时,该禁止是永久性的。 可以对禁令提出上诉,但这需要时间,精力和好运。

垃圾邮件警告标志 (Spam Warning Signs)

Take your time when you’re buying an expired domain name or purchasing one directly from the owner. Your online identity is worth at least much research as you’d put into the purchase of a used car isn’t it?

在购买过期的域名或直接从所有者那里购买域名时,请花点时间。 您购买二手车后,您的在线身份至少值得进行很多研究,不是吗?

Look for spam warning signs before you grab the perfect domain name from the expired names list.


Research the owner


Did he or she own just one domain name or one thousand? Be wary of owners who control huge numbers of domain names. It’s likely they’re either speculators or spammers who inter-link their sites in an effort to boost link popularity and confuse search engine algorithms.

他或她仅拥有一个域名还是一千个域名? 警惕控制大量域名的所有者。 他们可能是投机者或垃圾邮件发送者,他们相互链接其站点,以提高链接的知名度并混淆搜索引擎算法。

Check the WayBack Machine Internet Archive

检查WayBack Machine Internet存档

Their spiders crawl the Web and maintain a Web page "history" of how sites looked at various times from 1996 to the present. Type in the expired domain name you’re interested in purchasing and see how it’s been used in the past. You may be shocked.

他们的蜘蛛爬网并维护一个网页“历史”,记录了从1996年到现在的各个时间站点的外观。 输入您有兴趣购买的过期域名,并查看过去的使用方式。 您可能会感到震惊。

The key here is to research, research, research before you buy.


提出正确的问题 (Ask The Right Questions)

Your visit to the WayBack Machine will help you answer the following questions:

您对WayBack Machine的访问将帮助您回答以下问题:

Did the domain name actually have a site or was it purchased speculatively?

域名实际上是否有网站,或者是以投机方式购买的? What kind of online business was it?

那是什么样的在线业务? What was the site’s search engine rank and link popularity score? Hint: if the domain was recently released, the previous site information probably still exists in search engines and directories. Some engines update regularly, while some seem to go for months between updates.

该网站的搜索引擎排名和链接受欢迎程度是多少? 提示:如果该域是最近发布的,则以前的站点信息可能仍存在于搜索引擎和目录中。 有些引擎会定期更新,而有些引擎在两次更新之间可能要花几个月的时间。

Those answers will tell you much of what you need to know. A domain name that has never had a site attached is probably pretty safe. So is a domain name with a legitimate business behind it. And if the previous site had a good rank and popularity score, you’re ahead of the game before you even start.

这些答案将告诉您很多您需要知道的内容。 从未附有网站的域名可能很安全。 具有合法业务的域名也是如此。 如果以前的网站的排名和受欢迎程度都不错,那么您甚至可以在开始之前领先于游戏。

You owe it to yourself and to your clients to know the facts before you buy. This purchase is much more important than a car. This is your online business — it’s vital to your future success!

您欠您自己和您的客户知道,然后再购买。 这次购买比购买汽车重要得多。 这是您的在线业务-对您未来的成功至关重要!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/domain-treasure-trash/

域名过期 脚本
