c# 加载flash脚本

tech2024-05-21  103

c# 加载flash脚本

In this tutorial we’ll see how easy it is to load jpg images into Flash dynamically.


Please note that Flash can load only non-progressive jpg images.


To load our images, we’ll use the loadMovie method. This method can be called from any movie clip object, including the root.

要加载图像,我们将使用l oadMovie方法。 可以从任何影片剪辑对象(包括根)中调用此方法。

It takes two parameters: URL, and the optional variables parameter. The URL parameter provides a valid Web address for any JPEG image, while the optional variables parameter uses the HTTP method (GET or POST) to send variables to the URL.

它有两个参数: URL和可选variables参数。 URL参数为任何JPEG图像提供有效的Web地址,而可选的variables参数使用HTTP方法( GET或POST )将变量发送到URL。

Download the sample files here.

在此处下载示例文件 。

1. Start a new movie — mine had dimensions of 350×350 pixels.


2. Open the components panel by hitting ctrl+f7.

2.点击ctrl + f7,打开组件面板。

3. Drag 3 instances of the PushButton component on the stage, and select the first PushButton component in Frame 1.


4. The component’s parameters are displayed in the Property inspector.


5. Type "hen" into the Property inspector Instance Name text box.

5.在 “属性检查器实例名称”文本框中键入“ hen”。

6. Type "call_Img" for the Click Handler name.

6.键入“ call_Img”作为单击处理程序名称。

7. Type "Show Hen" for the Label name. Similarly, for other buttons, type:

7.键入“ Show Hen”作为标签名称。 同样,对于其他按钮,键入:



ButtonName, LabelName, ClickHandlerName




(a). hen , Show Hen , call_Img

(一个)。 母鸡,显示母鸡,呼叫图片

(b). cheetah , Show Cheetah , call_Img

(b)。 猎豹,猎豹,呼叫图

(c). hen , Show Hen , call_Img

(C)。 母鸡,显示母鸡,呼叫图片



8. Select Frame1. Press F9 (Windows) to open the actions box.

8.选择Frame1。 按F9(Windows)打开操作框。

9. Insert the action:


filejpg = function(picName) { //set the position of picHolder movie clip to center of stage picHolder._x = 80 picHolder._y = 10 //Load the pictures picHolder.loadMovie(picName); } function call_Img(name) { //Give correct path here if(name == hen){filejpg("hen.jpg");} if(name == cheetah){filejpg("cheetah.jpg");} if(name == tiger){filejpg("tiger.jpg");} } //create a empty movie clip for holding the Jpg pics createEmptyMovieClip("picHolder", 1);

That’s all it takes! Before you test the movie, ensure that the pictures are in the same folder as the movie.

这就是全部! 测试影片之前,请确保图片与影片位于同一文件夹中。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/jpeg-image-loader-flash-mx/

c# 加载flash脚本
