
tech2024-05-21  96


I am always looking for the simplest route to getting packages of files, custom web applications and other data/software to clients. What I try NOT to do is to send them a compicated set of instructions for deployment if I am not handling installs and implementations myself.

我一直在寻找将文件包,自定义Web应用程序和其他数据/软件提供给客户端的最简单方法。 如果我自己不处理安装和实现,我尽量不要向他们发送一套复杂的部署说明。

Thus after years of using and abusing the rpm format for my own needs, I am finally getting around to using it as a distribution method. Primarily I spent a great deal of time exploring the rpm.org How To, the man files and experimenting with spec files.

因此,经过多年使用和滥用rpm格式以满足自己的需求之后,我终于开始使用它作为分发方法了。 最初 ,我花了大量时间探索rpm.org的“操作方法” ,手册文件并尝试使用spec文件。

The spec file is the heart of building an rpm file and controls the destinations for your data being shipped out. While not everything I package is necessarily being ‘installed’ as in Apache or MySQL — more that there are solutions I am assembling that like any web application have various destination binaries, configuration files and so on.

规范文件是构建rpm文件的核心,并控制数据输出的目的地。 尽管并不是我打包的所有软件包都必须像在Apache或MySQL中那样“安装”,但我正在组装的解决方案更多,就像任何Web应用程序一样,具有各种目标二进制文件,配置文件等。

Ultimately the scenario is to send an rpm to a client and let their technicians know to simply ‘rpm -i myfile.rpm’ after they review a readme file detailing what is included and where the files will end up.

最终,方案是将rpm发送给客户端,并让他们的技术人员在仔细阅读自述文件(详细说明其中包含哪些内容以及这些文件将在何处结束)后知道“ rpm -i myfile.rpm”。

Some developers may find this convenient when they prefer not to be in the install and setup business. There is also an obvious advantage to this when remote clients cannot provide behind-the-firewall access to systems receiving your solutions.

当某些开发人员不愿参与安装和设置业务时,可能会发现这样做很方便。 当远程客户端无法提供对接收您的解决方案的系统的防火墙访问时,这样做还有一个明显的优势。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/build-your-own-rpms/

