
tech2024-05-21  96


Utilizing the checkbox component is easy.


1. Open the components panel by hitting ctrl+f7.

1.点击ctrl + f7,打开组件面板。

2. Drag the checkbox component onto the stage, and select the checkbox component in Frame 1. The component’s parameters will be displayed in the Property inspector.


3. Type "cbox" into the Property inspector Instance Name text box, to name the component.

3.在 “属性检查器实例名称”文本框中键入“ cbox”,以命名组件。

4. Next, we need to specify whether we want the initial state of the CheckBox component to be selected or unselected.


To have the checkbox autonatically appear selected, access the Initial Value parameter pop-up menu, and select "True".


5. In the Label Placement parameter pop-up menu, check that the default value is set to right alignment. This ensures the label will be displayed to the right of the checkbox.

5.在“标签放置”参数弹出菜单中,检查默认值是否设置为“右对齐”。 这样可以确保标签将显示在复选框的右侧。

6. Type "f1" for the Click Handler name. Later, of ocurse, you will write ActionScript to define what the Click Handler should do.

6.键入“ f1”作为单击处理程序名称。 稍后,您将编写ActionScript来定义Click Handler应该做什么。

7. Select the first key frame from the existing layer. Press f9 to open the actions box, and insert the following action:

7.从现有图层中选择第一个关键帧。 按f9打开操作框,然后插入以下操作:

function f1() { cbox.setLabel("Checked")   }

8. The above action is simple. When you click on the checkbox, it calls the function f1(). This function sets the label of checkbox to "Checked". It’s that simple!

8.上面的动作很简单。 当您单击复选框时,它将调用函数f1() 。 此功能将复选框的标签设置为“已检查”。 就这么简单!

Download the sample files here.

在此处下载示例文件 。


