
tech2024-05-21  102

…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

ASP and PHP developers have an advantage over us CF’ers. They can write an application, put it together in a nice neat package, and sell it to customers without having to confront the issues of having a customer purchase a license for PHP or ASP and install it and configure it, etc. PHP and ASP hosting are commonplace, easy to find, and very inexpensive.

ASP和PHP开发人员比我们的CF'ers具有优势。 他们可以编写应用程序,将其组合成一个很好的整洁包,然后将其出售给客户,而不必面对客户购买PHP或ASP许可证并安装和配置等问题。PHP和ASP托管很常见,很容易找到,而且很便宜。

But for us CF coders, we have to worry about a few different challenges. First, our potential customer base has thus far been limited to ColdFusion developers or companies already utilizing the technology. And that’s fine. There are who-knows-how-many people already making good use of ColdFusion. But, shouldn’t we be able to expand our customer base beyond just those who already have a ColdFusion host or server? The answer is yes. And there’s an apparently easy way to do it.

但是对于我们的CF编码器,我们必须担心一些不同的挑战。 首先,到目前为止,我们的潜在客户群仅限于ColdFusion开发人员或已经在使用该技术的公司。 很好。 已经有很多人知道如何充分利用ColdFusion。 但是,难道我们不应该将客户群扩展到已经拥有ColdFusion主机或服务器的客户之外吗? 答案是肯定的。 而且,显然有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点。

Now, I’ve only just begun reading about BlueDragon and Coral recently, so I don’t have all the details about these two solutions just yet. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be researching them more carefully and reporting back here about them. In the meantime, I suggest that everyone take a look at BlueDragon from New Atlanta and Coral. Both of these solutions look promising for the ColdFusion community and in the near future I hope to explore them more fully and explain how they can be used to expand our customer base and, as Vince Bonfanti put it, sell them a solution, not a technology. Enjoy. :D

现在,我刚刚才刚刚开始阅读有关BlueDragon和Coral的文章,所以我还没有关于这两种解决方案的所有详细信息。 在接下来的几周里,我将对它们进行更仔细的研究,并在此处进行报告。 同时,我建议每个人都来看看来自新亚特兰大和珊瑚的 BlueDragon 。 这两种解决方案对于ColdFusion社区而言都是充满希望的,在不久的将来,我希望对其进行更全面的探讨,并解释如何将其用于扩展我们的客户群,正如文斯·邦凡提( Vince Bonfanti)所说,是向他们出售解决方案,而不是技术。 请享用。 :D

