
tech2024-05-22  104


As you all know now, I like to slip in some OS X news as I have covered OS X in some columns. Apple became a part of the Unix and Open Source communities with the release of OS X and has since been garnering support from these communities as they engage in non-traditional business markets (at least non-traditional considering Apple for many years was found in design, legal and print shops).

众所周知,我喜欢介绍一些OS X新闻,因为我在某些专栏中介绍了OSX。 随着OS X的发布,苹果电脑成为Unix和开放源代码社区的一部分,此后,由于它们从事非传统业务市场(至少考虑到苹果公司在设计中已经存在许多非传统市场),它们一直在这些社区中获得支持。 ,法律和印刷店)。

I noted in a previous post that MySQL has brought clustering to the smaller business and home business by releasing an open source database cluster. Apple has joined these ranks by releasing a technology preview of Xgrid, which, while not open source, enables one to build a simple cluster from two or more 10.2.8 or better workstations at home.

我在上一篇文章中指出,MySQL通过发布开源数据库集群将集群引入了较小的企业和家庭企业。 苹果已经通过发布Xgrid的技术预览版加入了这些行列,该版本虽然不是开源的,但使人们可以在家中从两个或多个10.2.8或更好的工作站构建一个简单的集群。

As web hosting and web applications continue to get more sophisticated, Apple now offers some solutions which support this market in the Xserve, Xraid (for large RAID storage) and Xgrid.


As a side note, MySQL runs on OS X, so you can see the benefit.

作为附带说明,MySQL在OS X上运行,因此您可以看到其好处。

Apple has also announced a roadshow with Oracle based on the new Oracle 10g running on OS X. Information on the roadshow is found on Apple’s site at http://seminars.apple.com/tours/oracle/indextrk.html?s=203

苹果公司还宣布了基于在OS X上运行的新Oracle 10g的Oracle路演。有关路演的信息可在Apple网站上找到,网址为http://seminars.apple.com/tours/oracle/indextrk.html?s=203。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/grid-computing-on-os-x/

