
tech2024-05-22  104


Creating a popup menu in Flash isn’t as difficult as it seems. Here, we’ll step through the process involved in creating yoru won Flash popup menu.

在Flash中创建弹出菜单并不像看起来那样困难。 在这里,我们将逐步介绍创建yoru won Flash弹出菜单所涉及的过程。

Note that this tutorial assumes you know how to create an Invisible button.


1. Create a button object. I called my button "menu".

1.创建一个按钮对象。 我称按钮为“菜单”。

2. Select the button object, press f8, and check radio movieclip to convert it to a movieclip. Name this movieclip "popup".

2.选择按钮对象,按f8,然后检查单选动画片段以将其转换为动画片段。 将此动画片段命名为“弹出”。

3. Now, go into the time line of the popup movieclip. Select the current layer, and name it "button".

3.现在,进入弹出动画片段的时间线。 选择当前层,并将其命名为“按钮”。

4. Create two key frames in the button layer. Select the first key frame and insert:

4.在按钮层中创建两个关键帧。 选择第一个关键帧并插入:

stop ();

5. Select the second key frame and insert the same action:


stop ();

6. Now select the first key frame. Give this action to the menu button:

6.现在选择第一个关键帧。 将此操作交给菜单按钮:

on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); }

7. Lock the button layer.


8. Next, create a new layer above the button layer, and name it "popup".

8.接下来,在button层上方创建一个新层,并将其命名为“ popup”。

9. Create a popup window, and create two key frames in this layer.


10. Now, select the first key frame in the popup layer and press delete. Then, lock the popup layer.

10.现在,在弹出层中选择第一个关键帧,然后按Delete键。 然后,锁定弹出层。

11. Create a new layer above the popup layer. Name it "invisiblebutton".

11.在弹出层上方创建一个新层。 将其命名为“ invisiblebutton”。

12. Create an invisible button, then select the invisiblebutton layer and extend it two frames. Finally, insert the following aciton:

12.创建一个不可见的按钮,然后选择invisiblebutton图层并将其扩展两个框架。 最后,插入以下密码:

on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (1); }

Once this is done, lock the layer.


That wraps up the basics! You can now go on to customize the popup window and include separate buttons as required. Good luck!

总结了基础知识! 现在,您可以继续自定义弹出窗口,并根据需要包括单独的按钮。 祝好运!

Download the sample files here.

在此处下载示例文件 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/flash-script-popup-menu/

