
tech2024-05-23  102


Just before I hopped on a plane to Canada last week, I was interviewed on the Computer America radio show, which is broadcast all across the United States. For the second hour of Thursday’s show, I spoke about the Firefox browser, offering up a handful of tips taken from the pages of SitePoint’s new book, Firefox Secrets.

上周我跳上飞往加拿大的飞机之前,我在美国计算机广播节目中接受了采访,该广播节目在美国各地播出。 在星期四的节目的第二个小时,我谈到了Firefox浏览器,并提供了从SitePoint新书Firefox Secrets的页面中摘录的一些技巧。

The tips I covered included:


HTTP Pipelining, a disabled-by-default feature of Firefox that takes advantage of HTTP/1.1 functionality to speed up browsing.

HTTP Pipelining是Firefox的默认禁用功能,它利用HTTP / 1.1功能来加快浏览速度。 Delete unwanted items from the location bar pop-up history with Shift-Delete.

使用Shift-删除从位置栏弹出历史记录中删除不需要的项目。 Bookmark an entire set of tabs at once, then open them again using the Open in Tabs item on the Bookmarks menu.

立刻为整个选项卡添加书签,然后使用“书签”菜单上的“在选项卡中打开”项再次将其打开。 Provide a list of sites to be opened in tabs as your browser home page.


Set up a custom search keyword to quickly look up a site’s history on the Internet Archive.


For the next week and a half, the archived audio of the programme is available for download from the online archives. Here’s the direct link (MP3, 18MB).

在接下来的一个半星期中,可以从在线存档中下载该程序的存档音频。 这是直接链接 (MP3,18MB)。

I had a lot of fun doing the interview, and I only wish it had been longer–I really barely scratched the surface of the stuff that’s in the book.


The sample PDF has more meaty tips in it if the interview leaves you hungry for more.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/firefox-secrets-interview-on-computer-america/

