
tech2024-05-23  114


In a post making its way across the Internet community quickly, Matt Larson of VeriSign’s Naming and Directory Services (VNDS), has confirmed his organization will begin publishing registrar’s domain name changes every five seconds starting on September 8, 2004.

威瑞信(VeriSign)命名和目录服务(VNDS)的马特·拉尔森(Matt Larson)在Swift传播到整个互联网社区的帖子中证实,他的组织将从2004年9月8日开始每五秒钟开始发布注册商的域名更改。

Larson’s group is responsible for the twice daily DNS updates of .com/.net zone files to the 13 authoritative root name servers at the core of name services on the Internet.

Larson的小组负责每天两次将.com / .net区域文件的DNS更新到位于Internet上名称服务核心的13个权威根名称服务器。

This should enable changes made to name servers by registrars to become available within five minutes in many cases instead of 24-36 hours in many cases.


The VNDS will continue to publish .com/.net zone files twice daily to accommodate new domains coming online.

VNDS将继续每天两次发布.com / .net区域文件,以容纳新的联机域。

Larson posted the communication to the North American Network Operators (NANOG) list, whose archives can be found here.

Larson将通讯发布到了北美网络运营商(NANOG)列表中,其存档可在此处找到 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/rapid-dns-updates-in-september/

