五子棋 黑石

tech2024-05-23  103

五子棋 黑石

If you read any other CF blogs then this is old news to you, but for those of you who depend on this blog for news and information you’ll want to start watching this blog.

如果您阅读过其他CF博客,那么这对您来说是个老新闻,但是对于那些依赖此Blog来获取新闻和信息的人,您将希望开始观看此博客 。

The above link will guide you to the blog for Tim Buntel. This is the Macromedia Product Manager for the next ColdFusion version aka Blackstone. You won’t find you typical news and CF talk here. He’s started the blog for one reason and one reason only, Blackstone.

上面的链接将引导您访问Tim Buntel的博客。 这是下一个ColdFusion版本(又称黑石)的Macromedia产品管理器。 您在这里找不到典型的新闻和CF谈话。 他之所以创立Blog是出于一个原因和一个原因,Blackstone。

As Tim says “I won’t waste your time with a lot of general ColdFusion information here (there are lots of other excellent CF blogs for that). What I’d like to do is offer an insider’s view into CF – particularly the development and evolution of the next major release of ColdFusion, code-named Blackstone. Lots of people ask me how the product comes to be – how features are selected, who’s who on the team, what exciting things may be on the horizon.”

正如Tim所说: “我不会在这里浪费大量的ColdFusion常规信息(为此还有很多其他出色的CF博客)。 我想做的是提供内部人士对CF的看法-特别是代号为Blackstone的ColdFusion的下一个主要版本的开发和演变。 许多人问我该产品如何发展–如何选择功能,团队中的谁,即将出现的令人兴奋的事情。”

So fire up your RSS readers or add it to your daily web visits.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/quick-note-on-blackstone/

五子棋 黑石

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