flash mx拖拽实例

tech2024-05-23  105

flash mx拖拽实例

I’ve created another interesting command, this time with a twist (literally). Some of you may be familiar with the Twist and Fade Command that shipped with Fireworks MX and Fireworks MX 2004, and this one does similar things only in Flash MX 2004.

我创建了另一个有趣的命令,这次(从字面上看)有所变化。 你们中有些人可能熟悉Fireworks MX和Fireworks MX 2004附带的“扭曲和渐变”命令,而该命令仅在Flash MX 2004中具有类似的功能。

Download Twist and Fade for Flash MX 2004 >>

下载Flash MX 2004的Twist and Fade >>

Download Twist and Fade for Flash MX 2004 Sample FLAs>>

下载Flash MX 2004样本FLA的 “ Twist and Fade ” >>

The best way to get something from the command, is to follow these steps


-Create a new Flash document


-Drag onto the stage some MC’s that you wish to apply the effect to


-Select ‘Commands > Twist and Fade (Flash)


-Play with the settings, and click ‘OK’


NOTE: For more interesting effects, try arranging your MC’s in a geometrical pattern!


An interactive tutorial on how the Fireworks MX / MX 2004 command works can be found at Macromedia which may give you some pointers on how to use the command.

在Macromedia上可以找到有关Fireworks MX / MX 2004命令如何工作的交互式教程,该教程可能为您提供有关如何使用该命令的一些指导。

I’m working on a SWF Panel over the weekend, to give it a more ‘touchy-feely’ experience, so I’ll keep you posted


Here are a few examples of what was achieved with a 4 instances of a simple circle shape converted to an MC


And Another…


Getting Stranger…


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/twist-and-fade-command-for-flash-mx-2004/

flash mx拖拽实例
