
tech2024-05-23  105

Wow what a 4th of July!


I’m settling in nicely to my new home and now have a wi-fi “g” network running (how did I live with wires!).

我很好地适应了我的新家,现在正在运行wi-fi“ g”网络(我如何使用电线!)。

My Query of Queries article just went live. This is a feature that just plain rocks the casbah!

我的查询查询文章上线了。 这是一个普通的卡斯巴人的功能!

And my “Making the case for ColdFusion” was just featured on Big Ben’s blog! (he actually read the article back in it’s early days and offered a bit of guidance! Thanks Ben!)

而我的“ 为ColdFusion辩护 ”只是出现在大本钟的博客上 ! (他实际上是在早期就读过这篇文章,并提供了一些指导!感谢Ben!)

Now it’s off to do some research for an upcoming post and to watch some colorful explosions!


Hope all my American readers are having a good 4th, and for all my other loyal readers I hope you’re having a great day / night as well!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-day-new-article/
