
tech2024-05-23  105


The Open Source Development Labs, or OSDL for short, has a mission of evaluating, testing and overall working toward the improvement of Linux as a professional platform.

开源开发实验室 (简称OSDL)的任务是评估,测试并总体上致力于改进Linux作为专业平台。

The OSDL has continued to grow in signifigance, with expansion globally into Asia, and being the home to Linus Torvalds, may become the center of the Linux universe. (Note: Linus and his family are now moving to Oregon, the headquarters of the OSDL, where he will take on an even more substantial role with the organization.)

OSDL的重要性不断提高,并向全球扩展到亚洲,并且作为Linus Torvalds的故乡,可能成为Linux领域的中心。 (注意:Linus和他的家人现在正搬到OSDL的总部俄勒冈,在那里他将在组织中扮演更重要的角色。)

Their labs provide a functional data source for those seeking to deploy Linux for e-business, corporate and public data centers and more. While their concentration is not on smaller businesses running Linux, their efforts do directly impact web developers via the data centers where they host their equipment.

他们的实验室为那些希望为电子商务,企业和公共数据中心等部署Linux的人员提供了功能数据源。 尽管他们的注意力并不集中在运行Linux的小型企业上,但他们的努力确实通过托管设备的数据中心直接影响了Web开发人员。

The OSDL publishes literature on their tests, activities and allows for public requests for projects to be carried out in their labs. To get a good background on their operations, see their presentations page.

OSDL发布有关其测试,活动的文献,并允许在实验室中公开要求进行项目。 要获得有关其操作的良好背景,请参阅其演示文稿页面 。

Currently they are focusing on several areas, including carrier-grade Linux (telcos and large enterprise companies), data center Linux (of interest to developers and hosts as well as the corporate realm), desktop Linux and the Linux kernel.


All of their lab activities and publications can be found on the OSDL site.

他们的所有实验室活动和出版物都可以在OSDL网站上找到 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-development-labs/

