
tech2024-05-24  99


…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

Many thanks to Sitepoint Forums member creole for letting me know about the Nashville CFUG (ColdFusion User Group) meeting tonight. I knew that Nashville had a CFUG, but I have yet to attend one due to an extremely hectic schedule. While I won’t be going tonight, I do plan to attend the next one and report back here on what it’s like.

非常感谢Sitepoint论坛成员creole让我知道今晚的Nashville CFUG(ColdFusion用户组)会议。 我知道纳什维尔有一个CFUG,但是由于日程太忙,我还没有参加。 虽然我今晚不去,但我确实打算参加下一场,并在这里汇报情况。

ColdFusion User Groups have always interested me, despite my lack of support for them up until now, because I’ve always wondered what kinds of ColdFusion jobs are available in my area. I noticed that some of the topics that will be covered in tonight’s meeting specifically include employment opportunities, as well as how to interview someone for a development position.

尽管到目前为止我仍然对ColdFusion用户组缺乏支持,但我一直对我很感兴趣,因为我一直想知道我所在地区可以提供哪些ColdFusion职位。 我注意到,今晚的会议将涵盖一些主题,特别包括就业机会,以及如何面试某人的发展职位。

As ColdFusion developers, interviewing others is something we should all learn at least something about. I’ve now worked for two companies where more than just the management was involved in hiring decisions. It’s important for all members of the development team to be acquainted with the serious applicants for a position. These are people that you could find yourself working with on a daily basis, so I feel that management should allow some degree of input from the development team. This isn’t just for ColdFusion developers, obviously. It really applies to any field.

作为ColdFusion开发人员,采访其他人至少是我们应该了解的东西。 我现在在两家公司工作,其中管理层不仅仅参与了决策。 重要的是,开发团队的所有成员都要熟悉认真的职位申请。 这些都是您每天都能与之共事的人,因此我认为管理层应该允许开发团队提供一定程度的意见。 显然,这不仅适用于ColdFusion开发人员。 它确实适用于任何领域。

Anyway, I really wish that I could hear the entire presentation, but alas, I’ve had prior arrangements for the evening. Next time maybe I’ll know further in advance.

无论如何,我真的希望我能听到整个演讲,但是,a,我已经事先安排了晚上。 下次,我可能会提前知道。

If you want to find a ColdFusion User Group in your area, try EasyCFM’s listing of CFUG’s. And yes, there is one in Pakistan and one in Saudi Arabia for all of my middle eastern readers out there. :)

如果要在您所在的地区找到ColdFusion用户组,请尝试EasyCFM的CFUG列表 。 是的,我在中东的所有读者中,巴基斯坦都有一个,沙特阿拉伯有一个。 :)


