
tech2024-05-24  94


In early April Microsoft quietly released its first open source project, WIX, on Sourceforge. WIX, according to the project page, “The Windows Installer XML (WiX) is a toolset that builds Windows installation packages from XML source code. The toolset supports a command line environment that developers may integrate into their build processes to build MSI and MSM setup packages.”

4月初,Microsoft 在Sourceforge上悄悄发布了第一个开源项目WIX。 根据项目页面,WIX表示:“ Windows Installer XML(WiX)是一个从XML源代码构建Windows安装包的工具集。 该工具集支持命令行环境,开发人员可以将其集成到其构建过程中以构建MSI和MSM安装程序包。”

While this is not a huge release of source code, it is an interesting step as Microsoft perhaps begins to explore the open source community. There are some interesting blog entries on the project leader’s weblog, found here. The project was released under a non-modified Common Public License.

尽管这不是源代码的巨大发布,但随着Microsoft可能开始探索开源社区,这是一个有趣的步骤。 项目负责人的Weblog上有一些有趣的Blog条目,可在此处找到 。 该项目是根据未经修改的通用公共许可证发行的 。

There is applicability to web developers using the .Net platform, as Microsoft’s own internal groups, including the division, are using the toolset to build installation packages for web applications.


More interesting is this foray into open source and especially the use of Sourceforge, considered the predominant open source development portal. Perhaps the new experience of working with a community of seasoned open source developers, especially those interested in seeing more open source solution built for or ported to Windows (and the opposite as well! Think .net on Linux – see the Mono Project).

更为有趣的是,这种进入开源的尝试,尤其是Sourceforge的使用,后者被认为是主要的开源开发门户。 也许是与经验丰富的开源开发人员社区合作的新经验,尤其是那些对看到为Windows构建或移植到更多开源解决方案感兴趣的开发人员(也恰恰相反!Linux上的.net,请参见Mono Project )。

The controls the group has placed on contributed code has drawn some criticism, however, I have worked on open source projects intended for commercial consumption with very strict conditions on source control, so the care and concern given to implementing modified code to the project should not seem shocking.



