
tech2024-05-25  95

One of the biggest stepping stones to discovering the wonders of open source solutions is misinformation. Not intentional mind you, but a lack of easily accessible quality data on how and why to use open source for your needs.

错误信息是发现开源解决方案奇迹的最大垫脚石之一。 您不是故意的,而是缺乏有关如何以及为什么使用开源来满足您的需求的容易获得的高质量数据。

There are some great places to start. For instance, you can run Linux from CD on your current Windows workstation. This is a great way to see what Linux and open source applications are all about.

有一些不错的起点。 例如,您可以从当前Windows工作站上的CD中运行Linux。 这是查看Linux和开源应用程序的全部内容的好方法。

Try this as a starting point:


Knoppix – http://knoppix.net/

Knoppix – http://knoppix.net/

For a central site to review Linux and open source news as well as vast amounts of user commentary, downloads and how-tos, see the Open Source Development Network at http://www.osdn.com


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-to-open-source/
