五子棋 黑石

tech2024-05-25  97

五子棋 黑石

Well the next version of ColdFusion codename Blackstone has gone into official beta testing. Tim Buntell revealed this fact earlier today and all ready people are buzzing about who made the cut and who didn’t. Everyone wants to know what can they talk about without having the NDA come crashing down on them.

好,代号为Blackstone的ColdFusion的下一个版本已进入正式Beta测试。 蒂姆·邦特尔(Tim Buntell)今天早些时候透露了这一事实 ,所有准备就绪的人都在嗡嗡作响,谁做出了削减,谁没有做出。 每个人都想知道他们在谈论什么,而不必让NDA崩溃。

According to Tim invites are rolling out slowly but surely. They are batching them out so if you haven’t gotten yours yet don’t give up hope.

据蒂姆说,邀请正在缓慢但肯定地推出。 他们正在批处理它们,所以如果您还没有得到,请不要放弃希望。

When you do get yours be sure to read the NDA before doing much more, this is your legal bible which deals with everything you can and can’t say / do with the beta.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/blackstone-in-beta-officially/

五子棋 黑石
