
tech2024-05-26  86


…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

This blog isn’t quite so much about ColdFusion, but eventually, we’ll tie up all the loose ends, I promise. It will all make sense by mid-April.

这个博客不是关于ColdFusion的,但是,我保证,最终,我们将解决所有松散的问题。 到4月中旬,一切都会变得有意义。

Recently, we’ve seen quite a few articles about content distribution and syndication with RSS. You may remember some of these SitePoint Articles:

最近,我们看了很多有关RSS内容分发和联合的文章。 您可能还记得其中一些SitePoint文章:

[li]Get Off Your RSS! [/li][li]Use Custom Tags to Aggregate RSS Feeds into JSP-Based Web Apps [/li] [li]PHP and XML: Parsing RSS 1.0[/li]

[li] 下车RSS! [/ li] [li] 使用自定义标记将RSS提要聚合到基于JSP的Web应用程序中 [/ li] [li] PHP和XML:解析RSS 1.0 [/ li]

Now, until a couple of months ago, I had been very vaguely aware that it existed, but now that it’s become so popular it has captured my interest more and more. So, I’ve begun researching RSS (Real Simple Syndication) to find out more about its history, its uses, and how I can utilize it on my current sites to increase traffic and visibility.

现在,直到几个月前,我一直隐约意识到它的存在,但是现在它变得如此流行,越来越引起了我的兴趣。 因此,我已经开始研究RSS(真实简单企业联合组织),以了解有关它的历史,用途以及如何在当前站点上利用它来增加流量和可见性的更多信息。

This, of course, leads me to one problem: How do I use RSS in conjunction with ColdFusion? That sounds like a good article topic to me. Look forward to reading much more on the topic in my April article. In the meantime, here are some resources you can check out for more information on RSS (in addition to the SP articles above):

当然,这将导致我一个问题:如何将RSS与ColdFusion结合使用? 对我来说,这听起来像是一篇好文章。 期待在我四月份的文章中阅读更多有关该主题的内容。 同时,以下是一些资源,您可以查看有关RSS的更多信息(除了上面的SP文章):

[li]Introduction to RSS at WebReference.com [/li][li]XML.com – What is RSS?[/li] [li]RSS 2.0 Specification (Technology @ Harvard Law) [/li] [li]RSS 1.0 Specification [/li]

[li] WebReference.com上的RSS简介 [/ li] [li] XML.com –什么是RSS? [/ li] [li] RSS 2.0规范(技术@哈佛法) [/ li] [li] RSS 1.0规范 [/ li]

Hopefully that will whet your appetite for the upcoming article.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/watch-your-rss/

