…posted by davidjmedlock:
…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :
As you may have noticed, my most recent article has been published on SitePoint: Practicle Uses of HTTP in ColdFusion. I hope everyone enjoys this article and learns as much from as I did. (Yes, writing is not only a teaching experience, but as much or more of a learning experience, believe it or not.)
您可能已经注意到,我的最新文章已发布在SitePoint:ColdFusion中HTTP的实践使用。 我希望每个人都喜欢这篇文章,并从中学到很多东西。 (是的,写作不仅是一种教学经验,还是相信或不相信的一种或多种学习经验。)
I’d like to invite all my readers to share with us ways that they’ve applied HTTP to their ColdFusion applications to extend functionality and enhance their usefulness. I look forward to hearing everyone’s feedback on this.
我想邀请所有读者与我们分享他们将HTTP应用于ColdFusion应用程序以扩展功能并增强其实用性的方式。 我期待听到大家对此的反馈。