
tech2024-05-26  112


The New York Times reported Sunday on a report released by Shop.org, an online retail association, that e-commerce retail sales passed the $100 billion mark in 2003.


This is great news for web developers as retailers, both brick and mortar and online only, move toward profitability. This news not only encourages new retailers to join the “e-tailing” arena, but will also encourage established retailers to continuously review their online stores, generating re-designs, re-engineering and related projects for developers.

对于网络开发人员而言,这是一个好消息,因为无论是实体店还是在线零售商,都将朝着盈利的方向发展。 该新闻不仅鼓励新零售商加入“电子零售”领域,还将鼓励老牌零售商不断审查其在线商店,为开发人员进行重新设计,重新设计和相关项目。

It appears the opportunities for developers will slowly shift from initial deployment of commerce sites, to e-marketing, online customer service tools and overhauls of functionality as new technology becomes available.


The Times story, notes that 67 percent of online-only retailers reported pre-tax profits, while between 85 and 93 percent of traditional retailers reported pre-tax profits (in a survey of 150 retailers by Forrester for Shop.org).

《 纽约时报》的报道指出,只有67%的在线零售商报告了税前利润,而传统零售商中有85%至93%的公司报告了税前利润(Forrester for Shop.org对150家零售商进行的调查)。

As these retailers remain focused on generating profits and continually measuring their budgets, this presents another venue in which open source platforms can be presented, thus providing a commercially viable solution which is sensitive to the economics of running an e-commerce site.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/e-commerce-report-good-news-for-developers/

