
tech2024-05-26  91


When security issues arise like Sasser and those now infamous over the last few years, it is once again an opportunity to talk to your customers, peers and prospects about desktop security. It is also an opportunity where the situtation is appropriate to present the Linux and OS X desktops as alternatives to Windows.

当出现Sasser之类的安全问题以及最近几年来臭名昭著的安全问题时,这再次成为与您的客户,同行和潜在客户讨论桌面安全的机会。 在适当的情况下,也可以借此机会展示Linux和OS X桌面,以替代Windows。

I will add a caveat here before I continue as this is another contentious issue. My goal is not to show Windows as a lousy system and open source as the only path to follow. Anytime a platform grows more popular, so will the security issues. Many of us know Linux is one of the most attacked systems in the world (that is attacked, not compromised). The same will be sure for Linux and OS X desktops – the viruses or at least attempts will surely come.

在继续之前,我将在此添加一个警告,因为这是另一个有争议的问题。 我的目标不是将Windows显示为糟糕的系统,而将开源作为唯一的遵循路径。 只要平台变得越来越流行,安全问题就会越来越普遍。 我们中的许多人都知道Linux是世界上遭受攻击最多的系统之一(被攻击,没有受到破坏)。 对于Linux和OS X台式机,同样可以肯定–病毒或至少尝试将肯定到来。

However, Unix-based systems have an advantage over Windows in their base architecture and vast array of open source and commercial tools for granular control over the server and desktop for security.


Furthermore, in much of my interaction with clients and other organizations, there were numerous users at every stop that could easily use a Linux or OS X desktop with moderate training and little or no disruption in process. This is due to what I call the trinity of standard users:

此外,在我与客户和其他组织的大部分互动中,每个站点都有大量用户可以轻松地使用Linux或OS X桌面,而只需经过中等程度的培训,而流程几乎不会中断。 这是由于我称之为标准用户的三位一体:

They use an Office suite

他们使用Office套件 They use an email client

他们使用电子邮件客户端 They use a web browser


With the proliferation of desktop tools on Linux, including Open Office (see the eWeek Labs real world review), Exchange-compatible clients for email and proven browser technology, these baseline staff are easy targets to train and convert to a non-Windows desktop and immediately start improving peripheral security issues. In addition, with Microsoft’s support for OS X, and Office X supporting Exchange server, a Mac desktop may be an even better idea for users where additional training is a financial concern.

随着Linux桌面工具的增多,包括Open Office(请参阅eWeek Labs真实世界评论 ),与Exchange兼容的电子邮件客户端和经过验证的浏览器技术,这些基础人员很容易成为培训和转换为非Windows桌面以及立即开始改善外围设备安全性问题。 此外,借助Microsoft对OS X的支持以及Office X对Exchange服务器的支持,对于需要额外培训的财务用户来说,Mac台式机可能是一个更好的主意。

Even better, Microsoft is deploying project management capabilities into Entourage (the Exchange-capable email client) in the newest release of Office for OS X.

更好的是,Microsoft正在最新版本的Office for OS X中将项目管理功能部署到Entourage(具有Exchange功能的电子邮件客户端)中。

To address the second tier of more sophisticated users is more of a challenge. In some cases, a Windows emulator may be an option, however, it also re-opens security issues found on Windows OS. Better is to seek out solutions which offer support for necessary apps as you plan any kind of conversion.

解决更复杂的用户的第二层挑战更大。 在某些情况下,可以选择Windows模拟器,但是,它还会重新打开Windows OS上存在的安全问题。 更好的方法是在计划任何类型的转换时寻找能够为必要的应用程序提供支持的解决方案。

Two examples:


Mr Project, a Gnome-based Linux project management tool, offers the powerful planning capabilities of Microsoft Project and has efforts underway to complete an import tool for accepting MS Project files.

Project先生是基于Gnome的Linux项目管理工具,具有Microsoft Project的强大计划功能,并且正在努力完善用于接受MS Project文件的导入工具。

Microsoft continues to release schema information on XML support in their primary applications. This enables developers to leverage this data and import/export with applications like Word and Visio. Omni Graffle Pro offers the same powerful diagramming power of Visio on OS X for a vastly lower price, and includes Visio XML support – enabling files to go back and forth between users of these two packages. The Linux KDE desktop offers Kivio as a Visio-styled diagramming tool.

Microsoft继续在其主要应用程序中发布有关XML支持的架构信息。 这使开发人员可以利用这些数据并通过Word和Visio等应用程序进行导入/导出。 Omni Graffle Pro以较低的价格提供了与Visio在OS X上相同的强大图表功能,并包括对Visio XML的支持-使文件可以在这两个软件包的用户之间来回移动。 Linux KDE桌面提供Kivio作为Visio样式的图表工具。

The considerations are process requirements – breaking down application use into groups of users from 1) easy to convert, 2) moderately difficult to convert and finally 3) nearly impossible to convert.


In one company I worked with, the first group above were the receptionists, customer service staff and communications department. They were easy converts to OS X due to Microsoft Office support, continued access to a CRM system that was web-based, and email access to Exchange servers.

在与我合作的一家公司中,以上第一批人员是接待员,客户服务人员和通讯部门。 由于Microsoft Office支持,对基于Web的CRM系统的持续访问以及对Exchange服务器的电子邮件访问,它们很容易转换为OSX。

It is the second and third group where much research and consideration be used to plan and architect potential desktop conversions which meet the needs of the users. As more complex applications are ported to browser-based access, this may become more of a reality.

在第二和第三组中,大量的研究和考虑用于计划和构建潜在的桌面转换,以满足用户的需求。 随着更复杂的应用程序移植到基于浏览器的访问中,这可能变得更加现实。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/desktop-opportunities/

