
tech2024-05-26  103


Part 1 of this article starts below. Skip to Part 2, here.

本文的第1部分从下面开始。 跳到此处的第2部分 。

Some of the most powerful people on the Internet are commoners like you and me. The effective moderation of a successful forum takes a great amount of discipline and ability, but yields great success and respect. It’s very likely that these superusers are lingering in forums and communities across the Web. They might not be moderators in every case, but chances are they’re highly respected individuals with a lot of influence in the communities in which they participate.

互联网上一些最有能力的人都是像你我这样的平民。 有效地主持一个成功的论坛需要大量的纪律和能力,但会产生巨大的成功和尊重。 这些超级用户很可能在网上的论坛和社区中徘徊。 他们可能并非在每种情况下都是主持人,但很可能他们是受人尊敬的个人,在他们参与的社区中具有很大的影响力。

A big part of my personal success in this area comes from my passion for quality leadership. Leadership takes many forms and manifests itself in various ways in our lives. Individuals like Winston Churchill and Rudy Giuliani manifested leadership in their times of crisis. Leadership is influence, and these were among the most influential people of their times.

我在这方面取得个人成功的很大一部分来自于我对质量领导的热情。 领导力有多种形式,并在我们的生活中以各种方式体现出来。 温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)和鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)等人在危机时期表现出领导才能。 领导就是影响力,这些人是当时最有影响力的人。

领导就是影响 (Leadership Is Influence)

If you moderate a community, large or small, or you’re charged with the task of administering one, let this article be a challenge to you. A position does not make you a leader. Influence makes you a leader.

如果您管理着一个大小的社区,或者您负有管理一个社区的任务,那么让本文成为对您的挑战。 职位并不能使您成为领导者。 影响力使您成为领导者。

The fact is that, as a moderator, you have a unique gift called leadership. This gift has given you the opportunity to work as a moderator on whatever board you’re part of. But leadership is simply a raw force — an energy — that drives us and influences others. It’s like fire, having the potential to both bring reward and cause harm. It depends on the person who wields that leadership, and the maturity with which he or she uses it.

事实是,作为主持人,您有一个独特的天赋,叫做领导。 这份礼物使您有机会在您担任的任何董事会中担任主持人。 但是领导力只是驱动我们并影响他人的原始力量(一种力量)。 这就像火,有可能带来回报并造成伤害。 这取决于掌握领导才能的人以及领导才能的成熟度。

In every culture there is a point in time where the child crosses the line into adulthood. In some African tribes, rites of initiation must be passed through before a boy becomes a man, while others simply have a "graduation" ceremony – for example, the Jewish Bahmitzvah.

在每种文化中,都有一个时间点,孩子会跨入成年期。 在某些非洲部落中,必须在男孩成为男人之前先通过启动仪式,而其他一些人则只是举行“毕业”仪式,例如犹太教的Bahmitzvah。

In most western societies, a boy becomes a “man” when he reaches the age of maturity. Being a boy does not take masculinity from the boy: he is as masculine a boy as he will be a man (unless something happens in a hospital somewhere!). But he is only recognized as a man once he reaches a certain age, or displays a certain level of maturity.

在大多数西方社会中,男孩到了成年年龄就成为“男人”。 作为男孩并不会像男孩一样具有男子气概:他像男孩一样像男子汉一样(除非在某处医院发生任何事情!)。 但只有到一定年龄或表现出一定的成熟度时,他才被视为男人。

Similarly, in the world of influence, a leader is not made, but a leader is recognized.


Tom Landry, the legendary former coach of the Dallas Cowboys (which, I might add is NOT America’s, team!) once said:


"Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control."


The key lies not in controlling the surroundings, but in being able to control your own responses to those surroundings… how you carry yourself, your composure and collectedness, how you ask and respond to questions.


Leadership is defined by how you promote what you are trying to create, rather than how you denounce what you are against. People will, to a degree, more readily accept correction from someone who has a relationship with them than someone who just wants to lay down law.

领导力是由您如何推广自己试图创造的东西而不是如何谴责自己反对的东西定义的。 在某种程度上,与只想制定法律的人相比,人们更容易接受与他们有关系的人的矫正。

自己工作 (Work Yourself Out Of a Job)

One of the most critical links in the leadership chain is the mentoring process. This is often overlooked by those in leadership positions who are more concerned with their own personal power and control than in raising up effective leaders, and this alone can be the biggest stumbling block to community growth.

领导过程中最关键的环节之一是指导过程。 领导地位的人们常常忽略了这一点,他们更关心自己的个人权力和控制,而不是培养有效的领导者,仅此一点就可以成为社区发展的最大绊脚石。

There is a four-step process to nurturing fresh leadership.


1. Let them watch you do the job.


This is the step where potential leaders are recognized. In this step, existing leaders notice those who naturally stand out and seem to attract others through natural charisma, knowledge and abilities. These individuals are not necessarily destined to be leaders, but they exhibit leadership traits. It’s at this step that a new candidate is chosen.

这是认可潜在领导者的步骤。 在这一步骤中,现有领导者会注意到那些自然地脱颖而出并似乎通过自然的魅力,知识和能力吸引他人的人。 这些人不一定注定要成为领导者,但他们表现出领导特质。 在此步骤中,选择了新的候选人。

2. Teach them to do the job.


At this stage, the candidate helps the leader perform his duties, learning the trade along the way. The leader will impart valuable insight and maturity throughout this process, instructing the trainee as they work together. A good example of this would be an electrician’s apprentice.

在此阶段,候选人帮助领导者履行职责,一路学习贸易。 在整个过程中,领导者将传授宝贵的见识和成熟度,指导受训者一起工作。 电工的学徒就是一个很好的例子。

3. Make room for them to do the job.


This is where the trainee gets all his practice. A wise leader makes room for failure, allowing the trainee to learn the hard way, by making mistakes, and shape his own philosophies and tendencies. An effective leader will not quench opposing ideas, but will corral these philosophies and traits toward a commonly-held positive goal, teaching the trainee how to use those qualities to have a positive influence on those that are being led.

在这里,学员可以练习。 明智的领导者会为失败留出空间,使受训者可以通过犯错误来学习艰难的道路,并塑造自己的哲学和倾向。 一个有效的领导者不会遏制对立的观点,但会将这些理念和特质带入一个普遍持有的积极目标,教会学员如何利用这些特质对所领导的那些特质产生积极影响。

4. Get out of the way and let the new leader do the job.


This is the final step. The trainee has matured and gained valuable wisdom and insight through the training process. They’ve made mistakes and learned the hard way. They have established a rapport with those they’re to lead, who look to the leader for direction. At this point the leader can step back and allows the protege to do the job without individual restraint. New ideas and philosophies flow into the arena, and the new leader can begin to look among those he leads for people that exhibit the qualities of a future leader. And so the cycle continues.

这是最后一步。 通过培训,学员已经成熟并获得了宝贵的智慧和见识。 他们犯了错误,并学会了艰辛的方法。 他们与要领导的人建立了融洽的关系,他们向领导寻求指导。 在这一点上,领导者可以退后一步,让门徒可以不受个人束缚地完成工作。 新思想和新哲学涌入竞技场,新领导者可以开始在他领导的人们中寻找具有未来领导者才能的人。 因此,循环继续进行。

信任因素 (The Trust Factor)

A deciding factor in good leadership is to determine whether people are following the leader, or simply obeying him. Anyone can get into a community and start telling others what the rules are, but if that person doesn’t demonstrate that they can be trusted, the people will simply obey and not follow.

良好领导力的决定因素是确定人们是跟随领导者,还是干脆服从他。 任何人都可以进入社区并开始告诉他人规则是什么,但是如果该人不证明自己可以信任,那么人们只会服从而不遵循。

How do you establish trust and confidence? Good question. One way is by communicating a vision of where you are going, what you are doing and what you believe. If people sense a lack of confidence or ability, they will not respect your place as a leader. It’s important to understand that the people make you a leader, not a higher-up. By establishing this respect with those you work with, you will be recognized as a leader.

您如何建立信任和信心? 好问题。 一种方法是传达对您的去向,正在做的事情和所相信的想法。 如果人们感觉缺乏信心或能力,他们将不会尊重您作为领导者的地位。 重要的是要了解人们使您成为领导者,而不是高层人士。 通过与您的同事建立尊重,您将被视为领导者。

第2部分 (Part 2)

In the last part of this article, we discussed the characteristics of quality leaders. We looked at leadership in the context of forum moderation, but in reality, these principles can be applied to many different circumstances in everyday life. As we delve a little deeper into quality leadership, let us examine a few more concepts.

在本文的最后部分,我们讨论了质量负责人的特征。 我们在论坛主持的背景下研究了领导力,但实际上,这些原则可以应用于日常生活中的许多不同情况。 随着我们对质量领导力的深入研究,让我们研究更多概念。

质量领导者控制自己的命运 (Quality Leaders Control Their Own Destiny)

“You can find smart, talented people who will only go so far because of the limitations of their leadership.” – John C. Maxwell

“您会发现聪明,才华横溢的人,他们的领导能力有限,只会走到现在。” –约翰·麦克斯韦(John C. Maxwell)

Leaders are directly responsible for the way they’re perceived. This is not something that comes about through simply actions, though our behavior does play a significant role in how any of us is perceived. Instead, good leadership is, to a large degree, all about perceptions. A person is a good leader because of the way they’re perceived.

领导者应对他们的看法直接负责。 这不是通过简单的行动就能实现的,尽管我们的行为确实对我们每个人的认知起着重要作用。 相反,良好的领导在很大程度上与观念有关。 一个人是一个好的领导者,这是因为人们对他们的看法。

When crisis strikes, the ability of a leader to calm the ensuing uproar rests upon his ability to create a perception of calm. When situations spin out of control, leadership is highlighted by the ability of the leader to convince the people that everything is under control. It very well may be that the whole operation is in danger of falling apart, but by creating the perception that they’ve got the situation well in hand, the leader instills confidence in his people.

当危机来袭时,领导者镇定随之而来的骚动的能力取决于他建立镇静感的能力。 当局势失控时,领导者说服人们一切都在控制之中的能力突显了领导能力。 很有可能整个行动都有崩溃的危险,但是通过产生一种感觉,他们认为自己已经掌握了形势,领导者就对他的人民灌输了信心。

How does this leadership characteristic pertain to forums management? Leadership principles remain the same, no matter what the venue. Principles never change.

这种领导力特征与论坛管理有何关系? 无论地点如何,领导力原则均保持不变。 原则永远不变。

In a community setting, there is often behind-the-scenes conflict. Often, there are factions within the hierarchy of community leadership, and when these factions disagree, each side can struggle over an issue at length. Frequently, there might be more than one issue, and different individuals can find themselves on different sides of each argument. Depending on how divisive the issue is, the divide can be quite harsh and defined.

在社区环境中,通常存在幕后冲突。 通常,社区领导层中有一些派系,当这些派系意见分歧时,双方都可以在一个问题上进行长期斗争。 通常,问题可能不止一个,并且每个论点的不同方面都有不同的人。 根据问题的分歧程度,分歧可能会非常严峻和明确。

During times of internal debate, the leadership hierarchy might be perceived by an outsider as a war zone with smoke lingering over a battlefield and bullets flying back and forth. But, with good leadership, the outsider will never see that war zone. There will be a unified face put forward by the group.

在内部辩论期间,局外人可能将领导等级视为一个战区,烟雾smoke绕在战场上,子弹来回飞来。 但是,有了良好的领导,局外人将永远看不到那个战区。 小组将提出统一的面Kong。

“But that’s lying,” you might say.


Not really. An honest leadership organization will recognize that there will be conflict, and agree to disagree, instead, putting the best foot forward for the community. This sense of unity will inspire confidence in the membership of the community. They will see the forum being led and maintained by a unified group of individuals who respect each other, and comprise a group that’s devoid of internal bickering. This is usually in the best interests of the community as a whole.

并不是的。 一个诚实的领导组织将意识到会有冲突,并同意不同意,而是为社区尽最大的努力。 这种团结感将激发人们对社区成员的信心。 他们将看到论坛由一个互相尊重的统一个人小组领导和维护,这个小组没有内部争吵。 这通常符合整个社区的最大利益。

好领导人在芽中流言Go语 (Good Leaders Nip Gossip in The Bud)

“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” – Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac

“如果其中两个已经死了,三个人可能会保守秘密。” –本杰明·富兰克林,《可怜的理查德年鉴》

Gossip among leadership will kill an organization like a slow poison. Whether you administer a healthy community, or are simply a moderator, beware!

领导层之间的八卦会像慢毒一样杀死一个组织。 无论您是管理一个健康的社区,还是仅仅是主持人,请当心!

Take this situation, for example. Jack is an Admin of a major forum. He has six Moderators under him, among which are Bill and Kelly. During the course of a day, Kelly says something publicly that Jack feels needs to be addressed, so he sends Kelly an email that explains his position, and asks her to be careful in what she says. That evening, Kelly is chatting to Bill over instant messenger and starts talking about how Jack sent the email to her. She says that Jack has no idea what he’s talking about and that he’s got ill feelings toward her. Kelly’s pretty persuasive, and Bill has never known her to lie, so he thinks that what she says must be true. Later, in talking to another moderator, he mentions the scenario, and adds that Jack has it in for Kelly…

以这种情况为例。 杰克是一个主要论坛的管理员。 他之下有六个主持人,其中包括Bill和Kelly。 在一天的过程中,凯利公开说了杰克认为需要解决的问题,因此他向凯利发送了一封电子邮件,解释了他的立场,并要求她在讲话中要当心。 那天晚上,凯利通过即时通讯工具与比尔聊天,并开始谈论杰克如何向她发送电子邮件。 她说杰克不知道他在说什么,对她有一种不舒服的感觉。 凯利很有说服力,比尔(Bill)从来不认识她撒谎,因此他认为她所说的必须是真实的。 后来,在与另一位主持人交谈时,他提到了这种情况,并补充说杰克将其用于凯利……

In this situation, gossip has effectively set at least two community moderators in direct opposition to the leadership of the forum, and has effectively driven a wedge between people who are supposed to be members of a cohesive team. Precedent says that in this situation, Kelly should have kept her mouth shut and worked out any disagreements directly with Jack, but instead she has begun a slow-spreading poison that will ultimately hurt the community.

在这种情况下,八卦有效地设置了至少两名社区主持人来直接反对论坛的领导,并有效地推动了本来应该成为团结团队成员的人们之间的冲突。 先例说,在这种情况下,凯利应该闭嘴,直接与杰克解决分歧,但相反,她开始放慢速度传播毒药,最终会伤害到社区。

好的领导者做出艰难的决定 (Good Leaders Make Tough Decisions)

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” – Yogi Berra

“当您在路上遇到叉子时,请抓住它。” – Yogi Berra

As Moderators and Administrators, you will find yourself in tough positions. Should you ban someone, or give them a warning shot? Should you enforce a guideline even though it’s only a small transgression and it probably wasn’t intentional, or should you let it slide so that you don’t appear tough, dictatorial, and uncompromising? For each situation and community, the approach the leaders take will differ.

作为主持人和管理员,您将发现自己处于困境。 您应该禁止某人,还是警告他们? 即使只是一个小小的违反并且可能不是故意的,您是否应该执行一个准则,还是应该让它滑动以使您不会显得强硬,独裁和毫不妥协? 对于每种情况和社区,领导者采取的方法都会有所不同。

On boards I’ve moderated, there have emerged vast differences of opinion over how strict or loose guidelines should be. Often, moderators have strongly disagreed over the directions that should be taken in the community. In a responsible forum, these kinds of discussions among community leaders are taken up behind the scenes out of the public eye, but once a decision is made, there much be mutual support among forum leaders at all levels.

在我主持的董事会上,对于准则的严格程度或宽松程度已经出现了巨大的分歧。 通常,主持人强烈反对社区应该采取的指示。 在一个负责任的论坛中,社区领导者之间的此类讨论是在公众视野之外进行的,但是一旦做出决定,各个级别的论坛领导者之间就会相互支持。

Administrators have some of the hardest decisions to make, because whatever they do will affect the entire community, and indeed, their decisions may alter the future of the community. It’s like trying to engineer a satellite’s orbit. The smallest fraction of a degree off course, and the satellite will plunge to a fiery grave — or hurtle into outer space. As an administrator, the simplest decisions, or off the cuff comments in the heat of the moment can alter the direction, mood and atmosphere of a community.

管理员需要做出一些最艰难的决定,因为他们所做的任何事情都会影响到整个社区,实际上,他们的决定可能会改变社区的未来。 这就像试图设计卫星的轨道。 偏离航道的最小距离只有一小部分,卫星将跳入火热的坟墓中-或刺入外太空。 作为管理员,最简单的决定或紧急情况下的即兴评论会改变社区的方向,氛围和氛围。

That in itself could scare you, but for the Administrator, there’s often not a lot of room for second-guessing. In fact, when you make a decision as a community’s leader, it can be important not to second guess yourself. Often, it’s all too easy to get caught up in a never ending war of “what ifs”. Instead, have confidence in your ability to make wise choices — with the advice of others, perhaps. You must make the decision and stand by it, never looking back.

这本身可能会吓到您,但是对于管理员而言,通常没有太多的猜测空间。 实际上,当您做出决定时要成为社区的领导者,重要的是不要再次猜测自己。 通常,陷入永无止境的“假设”战争中太容易了。 相反,应该对自己做出明智选择的能力充满信心-也许可以在别人的建议下。 您必须做出决定并坚持下去,永远不要回头。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/guide-life-parts-1-2/


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