
tech2024-05-26  99


The upcoming Thunderbird 1.1 release will add several new or improved features – most prominently Podcasting.

即将发布的Thunderbird 1.1版本将添加一些新功能或改进功能-最主要的是Podcasting。

Named somewhat after the Apple iPod, whose users initiated the method, content creators of all stripes from hobbyists to corporations can use RSS to enable their audience to get audio-based broadcasts of content and listen to it on iPods and other MP3 players.

从用户发起该方法的Apple iPod得名后,从业余爱好者到公司各个方面的内容创建者都可以使用RSS使听众获得基于音频的内容广播,并在iPod和其他MP3播放器上收听。

I have already been using this feature as a listener on my iPod Shuffle, including to review recordings of a radio show I participate in from time to time on digital media and technology. This will be even more convenient to use Thunderbird for email, RSS and now these audio feeds.

我已经使用此功能作为iPod Shuffle上的听众,包括查看我不时参加的有关数字媒体和技术的广播节目的录音。 将Thunderbird用于电子邮件,RSS和现在的这些音频供稿,这将更加方便。

This has been particularly nice considering my increased travel schedule – now able to maximize my time spent on numerous long flights catching up on several broadcasts available as podcasts.


Obviously this feature is of value both as an end user and a web professional. As Mozilla’s user base expands by adding value and security – more of your own users, customers and their users can benefit from it.

显然,此功能对于最终用户和Web专业人员都是有价值的。 随着Mozilla通过增加价值和安全性扩展用户基础,您自己的更多用户,客户及其用户可以从中受益。

Some sites that track podcasts:






Weblogs.com – http://audio.weblogs.com/ (these broadcasts are not ranked by topic, personal or business levels – so investigate before nabbing them)

Weblogs.com – http://audio.weblogs.com/ (这些广播未按主题,个人或业务级别进行排名-因此,在获取前请先进行调查)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/thunderbird-and-podcasting/

