pla seo

tech2024-05-26  88

pla seo

If you’ve slaved away over a hot keyboard creating the latest and greatest Flash application, only see it or derivatives of it surfacing all over the web, then you have been hit by someone using an SWF decompiler who has decompiled you SWF file and repurposed the content for their own needs; be it ActionScript, Sounds, Images or Structure.

如果您不喜欢通过热键盘创建最新最好的Flash应用程序,而只能在整个Web上看到它或它的衍生版本,那么您就会被使用SWF反编译器反编译SWF文件并重新使用的某人击中。满足自己需要的内容; 无论是ActionScript,声音,图像还是结构。

To say its annoying is an understatement when it’s a personal SWF file, but what about when the content is for a commercial enterprise? The ramifications here could be far reaching and demand separation of content and business logic from design elements if the SWFs are to be presented to a public audience via the internet. So what can you do against this type of plagiarism to protect your files?

可以说,当它是个人SWF文件时,它的烦人性是一种轻描淡写的说法,但是,当内容用于商业企业时,该怎么办? 如果要通过互联网将SWF呈现给公众,则可能会产生深远的影响,要求将内容和业务逻辑与设计元素分离。 那么,您该如何针对这种of窃来保护您的文件呢?

There are several options available as follows (not a definitive list):


– Use Server Side ActionScript (SSAS)


Exactly the same concept as Flash MX / MX 2004 ActionScript apart from the fact the ActionScript resides on the server and is referenced via several different methods; this can become expensive as you will need access to an installation of Flash Communication Server.

除了ActionScript驻留在服务器上并通过几种不同的方法引用之外,它与Flash MX / MX 2004 ActionScript的概念完全相同。 由于您需要访问Flash Communication Server的安装,因此这可能会变得昂贵。

– Use SWC files in Flash MX 2004

–在Flash MX 2004中使用SWC文件

Create compiled code in the form of .SWC files which will allow further protection of SWF source information.


– Use Code Obfuscation


There are several tools that you could use in addition to Flash MX to obfuscate your SWF files that would make the SWF decompilers unable to reverse engineer them easily, but this has inherent problems. As soon as a new version of the obfuscating application is released, this is usually countered by an updated release of the decompiling application, so you end up constantly chasing your tail.

除了Flash MX之外,还可以使用多种工具来混淆SWF文件,这会使SWF反编译器无法轻松地对其进行反向工程,但这存在固有的问题。 一旦发布了混淆应用程序的新版本,通常就会通过反编译应用程序的更新版本来解决这一问题,因此您最终会不断追尾。

I’ve been unable to find any decent obfuscating software to stop decompiling basic Flash MX 2004 SWF files, but here’s a command line obfuscator that may be one to watch in the future when it’s finally released in it’s final format hopefully for ‘2004.

我一直找不到合适的混淆软件来停止反编译基本的Flash MX 2004 SWF文件,但是这里有一个命令行混淆器,将来它最终以其最终格式发布时有望在2004年发布。

ActionScript Obfuscator Pro


Flash plagiarism is serious and annoying when you are on the receiving end of it, but there are many advocates of the open source Flash format specification who would argue otherwise.

当您gi之以鼻时,Flash gi窃是严重且令人讨厌的事情,但是开源Flash格式规范的许多拥护者却持相反的观点。

Certainly, when you wish to view client side code within web pages everyone has at some point used ‘View > Source’ to see how something is done, but I disagree with plagiarizing others work on any level.


I’ll be updating this thread as i recieve more information or there are more Flash community updates on SWF protection.



pla seo
