评论-ClickTracks 2.0

tech2024-05-27  107

I’m a visual person, a creative person. Don’t let me mess around with the database! Graphs and pie charts make my eyes glaze over, my head hurt and my attention wane. So when it comes to finding a decent log analyzer program I’m out of luck, right? Wrong.

我是一个有远见的人,一个有创造力的人。 不要让我搞乱数据库! 图形和饼图使我的眼睛呆滞,头部受伤,注意力减弱。 因此,当要找到一个不错的日志分析器程序时,我很走运,对吗? 错误。

日志分析正在查找! (Log Analysis is Looking Up!)

ClickTracks Analyzer offers Web designers and marketing types an intuitive, visually-based, and interactive way to understand what people are doing on your clients’ Websites. If you’re a right-brainer, you want a log analysis product that won’t necessitate a second mortgage on your house, and you’re up to here with pie charts and ugly tables, then look no further…

ClickTracks Analyzer为Web设计人员和市场营销人员提供了一种直观,基于视觉的交互式方式,以了解人们在您客户的网站上正在做什么。 如果您是个明智的人,那么您需要一种无需在房屋上进行第二次抵押的日志分析产品,并且可以使用饼形图和丑陋的表格,然后再无其他...



I’m not the best Web designer in the world. With a mixture of awe and bewilderment, I see Websites every day that make me scratch my head and wonder

我不是世界上最好的Web设计师。 敬畏和迷惑混合在一起,我每天看到的网站让我挠头挠头

why I didn’t think of that?, and

为什么我没有想到呢? if I did think of it, would I have been able to implement it?


Thankfully though, there is business out there for Web designers of varying skill levels, and though I’m not building Websites for Fortune 500 companies, my local clients are happy with the finished product.


But I do understand that benchmarking a site – knowing what’s working and what isn’t – is important in making useful suggestions to my clients. I know, too, that getting that information typically involves running log file data through some piece of software that spits out tables and numbers and, if you’re really lucky, 3-D pie charts.

但是我确实知道,对网站进行基准测试(了解什么在起作用,什么在不起作用)对于向客户提出有用的建议很重要。 我也知道,获取信息通常涉及通过一些软件运行日志文件数据,这些软件会散布表格和数字,如果真的很幸运,还可以使用3D饼图。

Log File Analysis for the Right-Brained?


But I’m a visual person, not a ‘back-end-please-let-me-program-and-tweak-the-database’ sort of person. I’ve tried different log file analyzers (granted, most were of the ‘free’ variety) and have gleaned some information, but always felt uncomfortable with the way the information was presented. I knew there had to be something better out there… somebody had to have put together a program for those of us who don’t writhe with pleasure at the thought of pie charts. A little concentrated searching on Google netted the jackpot!

但是我是一个有视觉感的人,而不是一个“后端请让我编程和调整数据库”的人。 我尝试了不同的日志文件分析器(被授予的,大多数都是“免费”的),并收集了一些信息,但是对于信息的显示方式总是感到不舒服。 我知道那里必须有更好的东西……必须有人为我们这些对饼形图不高兴的人编写一个程序。 在Google上进行了一些集中搜索,最终获得了大奖!

ClickTracks Analyzer 2.02 (ClickTracks Analyzer 2.02)

In addition to unique way it showed data (I’ll tell you more about that in a moment), ClickTracks Analyzer met my other stringent criterion: I wouldn’t have to sell my firstborn to be able to afford it. The product’s Website, unlike others, listed the price right there on the front page: $495. Not free, but not outrageous either. I could probably make back this expense in one project. And the makers claimed that installation took about ten minutes, and that the product could do amazing things. It was worth a try…

除了它显示数据的独特方式(我会在稍后告诉您更多信息)之外,ClickTracks Analyzer还满足了我的另一个严格标准:我不必为了负担得起就卖掉我的长子。 与其他产品不同,该产品的网站在其首页上列出了价格:495美元。 不是免费的,但也不是无耻的。 我可能可以在一个项目中收回这笔费用。 制造商声称安装大约需要十分钟,并且该产品可以做令人惊奇的事情。 值得一试…

I downloaded and installed the program. No problems so far. I followed the prompts until I got to the point of finding my client’s log file…I couldn’t’ locate this myself, however, a quick call to the client’s ISP divulged the non-standard nature of log files, and the heretofore secret location of the log file in general. So I continued onwards: I downloaded the file, and clicked the "import log file" button… Wow!

我下载并安装了程序。 到目前为止没有问题。 我按照提示进行操作,直到找到客户的日志文件为止……我自己找不到该文件,但是,快速致电客户的ISP却发现了日志文件的非标准性质以及迄今为止的秘密位置一般而言。 因此,我继续:我下载了文件,然后单击“导入日志文件”按钮……哇!

酷功能 (Cool Features)

ClickTracks Analyzer transposed my client’s log file data right on top of his Website. As I look at the home page, I can see next to each link what percentage of visitors actually clicked on that link. A glance at the "classes and workshops" link shows that 43% of visitors clicked to that page directly from the home page. When I click the hyperlink to the classes and workshops page, I find that on top of that page are — you guessed it — more little percentage bars showing who clicked what on that page.

ClickTracks Analyzer将我客户的日志文件数据直接置于其网站上方。 当我查看主页时,可以看到每个链接旁边的访问者实际点击该链接的百分比。 浏览“课程和讲习班”链接后,可以看到有43%的访问者直接从主页单击了该页面。 当我单击指向“课程和研讨会”页面的超链接时,我发现在该页面的顶部(您猜对了),显示了更多的百分比条,显示了谁单击了该页面上的内容。

What does this mean? It means I could show this to my client and he would get it. Heck, even I get it!

这是什么意思? 这意味着我可以将此展示给我的客户,他会得到的。 哎呀,即使我明白了!

The program has another neat little feature they call ‘tagging.’ Basically, I was able to click a couple of buttons and color-code all the visitors who came to the site from Yahoo (where coincidentally, my client has pretty decent search engine positioning). Now, on the home page, I see two figures transposed next to the links, showing me that 73% of all the site’s visitors clicked on ‘classes and workshops’ and that 45% of everyone who came in from Yahoo! on the same link.

该程序还有另一个整洁的小功能,称为“标记”。 基本上,我可以单击几个按钮,并对所有从Yahoo来到网站的访问者进行颜色编码(巧合的是,我的客户在搜索引擎上的定位不错)。 现在,在主页上,我在链接旁边看到两个数字,显示给我的是,网站的所有访问者中有73%点击了“班级和工作坊”,而来自Yahoo!的所有人中有45%都点击了“班级和工作坊”。 在同一链接上。

I want to see if the Google visitors are interested in our classes (as we’re trying to improve the classes’ ranking on that search engine). So I click a few buttons and tag the Google folks, and voila! The results show that the Google folks are actually, as a group, more likely (53%) to check out the classes and workshops page than users coming to the site from other referrers.

我想看看Google访问者是否对我们的课程感兴趣(因为我们正努力提高该类在该搜索引擎上的排名)。 因此,我单击了几个按钮并标记了Google员工,瞧! 结果表明,与从其他引荐来源网站访问该网站的用户相比,谷歌全体人员实际上更可能(53%)签出课程和工作坊页面。

不太酷的功能 (Not So Cool Features)

The ClickTracks Analyzer evaluation version only lets you look at a week’s worth of data, rather than at all the data your log files may have accrued, so you have to be careful if you’re making client recommendations from the evaluation version of the software.

ClickTracks Analyzer评估版仅允许您查看一周的数据,而不是日志文件可能累积的所有数据,因此,如果您从该软件的评估版中提出客户建议,则必须格外小心。

Also, I showed it to another designer friend of mine who asked where the pie charts were… I guess that sort of thing really works for some people!


最终分析 (The Final Analysis)

I’m a right-brainer: my eyes glaze over at rows of numbers and charts. The visual interface of this program, along with the tagging feature, and the ability to put it on my credit card without maxing out my limit, makes it a worthwhile purchase in my book!

我是个脑筋急转弯的人:我的眼睛注视着成排的数字和图表。 该程序的视觉界面,加上标记功能,并且能够在不超出我的最大限额的情况下将其放在我的信用卡上,使其成为我书中值得购买的东西!

Ranking: 5/5 Price: $495 For more information: Clicktracks.com

排名:5/5 价格:$ 495 更多信息: Clicktracks.com

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/review-clicktracks-2-0/
