
tech2024-05-27  94


There are many talented people out there who have the ability to write scripts, but have limited funds — and are unsure of how or where to start distributing their script. Hopefully this article will help you earn some spare cash (or start a business that will one day be a multinational giant!), and get your script running on Websites around the world.

有很多才华横溢的人才,他们有能力编写脚本,但资金有限-不确定如何或在何处开始分发其脚本。 希望本文能帮助您赚到一些闲钱(或有一天会成为一家跨国巨头!),并使您的脚本在世界各地的网站上运行。

编写脚本 (Writing the Script)

First of all, you need to develop a script or program that delivers value to your target users. Make sure you take your time to plan and develop the script, and test it as much as you possibly can. Think of as many scenarios as possible that your customers might go through on a daily basis where your script might come in handy. And design the database and the script so that you can easily add more features to it over time.

首先,您需要开发一个脚本或程序为目标用户提供价值。 确保花时间计划和开发脚本,并尽可能地对其进行测试。 考虑尽可能多的场景,让您的客户每天都可以轻松使用脚本。 并设计数据库和脚本,以便您可以随时间轻松地向其添加更多功能。

If you’re unsure about what type of script to write, surf various community forums — especially around forums that interest you — and listen to what people ask for. Make sure you share the community’s interests. After all, there’s no point writing a script, providing support, and spending a lot of time on the project if you don’t have your heart in it from the word "go".

如果您不确定要编写哪种类型的脚本,请浏览各种社区论坛(尤其是您感兴趣的论坛),然后听听人们的要求。 确保您共享社区的利益。 毕竟,如果您对“ go”一词不满,就没有必要编写脚本,提供支持并花大量时间在该项目上。

The other thing you can do is rely on your own personal experiences. In the past, did you ever need a script or service that wasn’t readily available? Have you ever run a business that required certain software, and the only available products were too expensive, or seemed too complicated? Run a search on your ideas, and find out what people charge now for alternative solutions. This will be an important part of your market research.

您可以做的另一件事是依靠自己的个人经历。 过去,您是否需要一个尚不可用的脚本或服务? 您是否曾经经营过需要某些软件的公司,而唯一可用的产品太贵了,或者看起来太复杂了? 搜索您的想法,找出人们现在对替代解决方案的收费。 这将是您的市场研究的重要组成部分。

设定目标和市场研究 (Setting Goals, and Market Research)

Success depends on a few key elements, such as:


the quality of your script,

您脚本的质量, demand for your script, and

对脚本的需求,以及 how you market your script.


So, if you intend to sell scripts as your main business, you’ll need to know if the idea you have is viable. Ask around to see if anyone you know would use your script, and research your competitors (if any) to see what they offer. Think about how you can offer the same solution in a different way (and be sure to differentiate your product to make it appear different from products that are available elsewhere).

因此,如果您打算将脚本作为主要业务出售,则需要知道您的想法是否可行。 询问周围是否有认识的人会使用您的脚本,并研究竞争对手(如果有)以查看他们提供的产品。 考虑如何以不同的方式提供相同的解决方案(并确保区分您的产品,以使其看起来不同于其他产品)。

Add a few features that don’t exist in the market, bundle the product up, and show how you’re different from — and better than — your competition. Most importantly, ask yourself why you want to do this: as a hobby? As a career? The answer to this question will determine the depth of your research.

添加一些市场上不存在的功能,捆绑产品,并展示您与竞争对手相比有何不同(更好)。 最重要的是,问自己为什么要这样做:作为一种爱好? 作为职业? 该问题的答案将决定您的研究深度。

If you have no direct competitors, look for businesses that offer substitute products. Check out their pricing, and the way they do business. Email them, posing as a customer, to discover how they work — and plan to do better if possible.

如果您没有直接竞争对手,请寻找提供替代产品的企业。 查看他们的价格以及他们的经商方式。 向冒充客户的客户发送电子邮件,以了解他们的工作方式,并计划在可能的情况下做得更好。

I’d recommend that you don’t quit your day job in order to sell the script that you are about to write, unless you can be almost certain (at least 95% sure) that sales of your script can support you (and your family if necessary).


您的网站-您的营业地点 (Your Website — Your Business Place)

When you do launch your product, you need to ensure that your site is designed well — and by this, I don’t mean that it just looks good. You need to make the site — its content, layout, navigation, etc. — clear and concise. Get to the point, and avoid anything that’s too fancy.

在发布产品时,您需要确保您的网站设计良好-但这并不意味着它看起来不错。 您需要使网站(内容,布局,导航等)清晰明了。 讲到重点,避免任何过于花哨的事情。

Your customer, believe it or not, will take the site design and aesthetic appeal into consideration when making their pre-purchase assessment (costs vs. benefits) of your script. For a quick fix, you can purchase templates from various sites, or, if you’re on a tight budget, then you can design your own Website.

无论您是否相信,您的客户在对脚本进行购买前评估(成本与收益)时都将考虑网站设计和美学吸引力。 为了快速解决问题,您可以从各个站点购买模板,或者,如果预算有限,则可以设计自己的网站。

Your customer will want to get to the information they seek on your site as quickly as possible. So I recommend you plan your site so that it takes your visitors a maximum 2 clicks from your homepage to get to the information they want. Place links at the top and bottom of each page so the customer does not have to scroll back up to browse your site. Make you content, and your site, easy to navigate!

您的客户将希望尽快获得他们在您的网站上寻找的信息。 因此,我建议您对网站进行规划,以使访问者最多可以从您的首页获得2次点击,以获取他们想要的信息。 在每个页面的顶部和底部放置链接,以便客户不必向上滚动即可浏览您的站点。 让您满意,您的网站也易于浏览!

You must also be sure to set the right META tags on each page of your ebsite. Aim to set keywords that are relevant to your script, and try to provide on each page a description that uses as many of those keywords as possible. Then change your Website’s title to contain the keyword that’s most relevant to your script. For example, if you’re writing a classifieds site, then you might set the title as "John’s Classifieds Software".

您还必须确保在ebsite的每一页上设置正确的META标签。 旨在设置与脚本相关的关键字,并尝试在每页上提供使用尽可能多的关键字的描述。 然后更改您的网站标题,以包含与脚本最相关的关键字。 例如,如果您正在编写分类网站,则可以将标题设置为“ John's分类软件”。

Although this may seem obvious, there are many sites that fail to do this. As a result, they don’t attract targeted traffic — and targeted traffic, as we all know, is gold. It’s better to get 10 targeted visitors then 1000 un-targeted visitors.

尽管这看起来似乎很明显,但是有许多站点无法做到这一点。 结果,它们无法吸引目标流量-众所周知,目标流量是黄金。 最好先吸引10个目标访问者,然后再吸引1000个非目标访问者。

One more thing that you should consider is the text that you display on the Website. List clearly the benefits of your script — don’t just describe the features. Customers buy benefits; they don’t care about features as long as the script can do what they want it to. Many Websites make this mistake, so try not to do the same. And lastly, always check for spelling mistakes!

您还应该考虑的另一件事是您在网站上显示的文本。 清楚列出脚本的好处-不仅要描述功能。 客户购买福利; 只要脚本可以执行他们想要的操作,他们就不会在意功能。 许多网站都会犯此错误,因此请不要这样做。 最后,请务必检查拼写错误!

一旦启动 (Once You’ve Launched)

When you finally launch, the first thing you should do is submit your site to Hotscripts.com (then proceed to submit it to as many scripting portals as you can), and to DMOZ.org. Do this even before you get any customers, as it’ll take time for your site to be listed. If you have a budget, then you can sign up for targeted PPC traffic with the search engines that offer these services (eg. Overture.com). Google is a huge traffic generator, and I’d recommend that you try to optimise your search engine listings rather than pay for their AdWords Service.

最终启动时,首先要做的是将您的网站提交到Hotscripts.com(然后将其提交到尽可能多的脚本门户)和DMOZ.org。 甚至在获得任何客户之前就执行此操作,因为要列出您的网站需要一些时间。 如果您有预算,则可以使用提供这些服务的搜索引擎(例如Overture.com)注册目标PPC流量。 Google是一个巨大的流量生成器,我建议您尝试优化搜索引擎列表,而不是为其AdWords服务付费。

Don’t just limit your submissions to Google or Yahoo! Or any single search engine. You’ll probably find that the majority of your traffic comes from Hotscripts.com and Google, though it can take up to 2 months to get a Google listing.

不要只将您的提交限制在Google或Yahoo !! 或任何单个搜索引擎。 您可能会发现,您的大部分流量都来自Hotscripts.com和Google,尽管获得Google商家信息最多可能需要2个月的时间。

I don’t believe that banner exchange programs are the way to go. I wouldn’t recommend that you display a banner on your product sales site — I believe that it detracts from the brand equity you’re attempting to build.

我不认为横幅广告交换计划是必经之路。 我不建议您在产品销售网站上显示标语-我认为它会损害您试图建立的品牌资产。

获得您的第一个客户 (Getting Your First Customers)

When you first launch, you may receive emails from prospective customers who want to see your script in action on a few of your customer’s Websites. But you don’t have any customers! To avoid this situation, I’d suggest that you establish some sort of a customer base before you set industry rate pricing.

首次启动时,您可能会收到来自潜在客户的电子邮件,这些客户希望在您的几个客户网站上看到正在使用的脚本。 但是您没有任何客户! 为避免这种情况,建议您在设置行业费率定价之前建立某种客户群。

You’ll need to prove that the script works, so put up a demo or run a live version of the script on your site. SUN Microsystems used their own workstations to run their company, and in doing so, they proved to the world that their machines work. You should do the same — prove to the world that your script works.

您需要证明脚本可以正常工作,因此请在您的站点上进行演示或运行脚本的实时版本。 SUN Microsystems使用自己的工作站来运营他们的公司,并以此向全世界证明了他们的机器可以运行。 您应该做同样的事情-向世界证明您的脚本有效。

Pricing for Penetration


You need to penetrate the market, and get your foot in the door, before you take on your competition. The best way to do this is by setting an extremely low price for your script. This approach is called Introductory Pricing (but don’t give your product away! That will only attract customers who want the script because it’s free, rather than because it actually meets their needs). Be prepared to offer free upgrades to these initial customers if you need an incentive to encourage them to purchase your script.

在进行竞争之前,您需要打入市场并步入正轨。 最好的方法是为脚本设置极低的价格。 这种方法称为介绍性定价(但不要放弃您的产品!这只会吸引想要脚本的客户,因为该脚本是免费的,而不是因为它实际上满足了他们的需求)。 如果您需要鼓励他们购买脚本的激励措施,请准备向这些初始客户提供免费升级。

If you find that your competitors are offering a script that’s identical to yours for free, then you’ve probably entered the wrong industry (if your aim is to profit). If your competitors offer the same functionality for free, you have no choice but to match them. However, all may not be lost! In the future, you may decide to offer extra features at a price, like a "professional" version, for example. Keep a close eye on competitors, and be sure to plan ahead, so you know where your product’s going next.

如果您发现竞争对手免费提供与您的脚本完全相同的脚本,那么您可能进入了错误的行业(如果您的目标是获利)。 如果您的竞争对手免费提供相同的功能,那么您别无选择,只能将它们匹配。 但是,一切可能不会丢失! 将来,您可能会决定以价格提供额外的功能,例如“专业”版本。 密切关注竞争对手,并确保提前计划,以便您知道产品的下一步发展。

Treat your Testers Well


If your script is wanted in the marketplace, then you will more than likely get a few testers during this initial period. These are people who’ll test your script for you without expecting any payment in return for their services. Though you may lose money at the start, make sure you provide these "customers" with the greatest support that they could ask for. How you treat your first few customers is what will determine your success or failure in the industry. You’ll need these customers to remember you, and recommend you to others. Ideally they’ll act as a point of referral for your future customers, so treat them well.

如果您的脚本在市场上很受欢迎,那么在此初期,您很有可能会得到一些测试人员。 这些人会为您测试脚本,而不会期望他们的服务得到任何回报。 尽管一开始您可能会亏本,但是请确保为这些“客户”提供他们可能要求的最大支持。 您如何对待最初的几个客户,将决定您在行业中的成败。 您将需要这些客户来记住您,并向其他人推荐您。 理想情况下,他们将充当您未来客户的推荐人,因此请善待他们。

These are the customers that will also provide you with testimonials, bug reports, sample sites etc… Make sure they are treated very well and that everything is in working order for them. Install it for them if you need to and take the time to teach them how to use your script. Respect them, respect their business and they will respect you and get you business. You must be prepared to invest your time in this, if you are aiming for success.

这些客户还将为您提供推荐,错误报告,示例站点等……请确保他们得到很好的对待,并确保一切正常。 如果需要,请为他们安装它,并花点时间教他们如何使用脚本。 尊重他们,尊重他们的业务,他们会尊重您并帮助您开展业务。 如果您希望获得成功,则必须准备在此上花费时间。

Once You’re Up and Running…


Only after the launch stage is complete, and you feel that you have "enough" customers, can you end the introductory pricing and increase your price to reflect the market average. You’ll know when this feels right and seems reasonable — you’ll have developed a stable, proven script, and a wealth of customer testimonials to back it up.

只有在发布阶段完成之后,并且您会感觉到您拥有“足够”的客户,您才能结束介绍性定价并提高价格以反映市场平均水平。 您会知道什么时候觉得合适并看起来合理–您将开发出稳定,可靠的脚本,并提供大量的客户推荐以支持它。

Update your site with little bits of information (eg. news, new version releases, customer comments, etc.) as often as possible. Don’t completely revamp your site every day — this will only waste your time, and confuse your customers.

尽可能少地更新信息(例如新闻,新版本发布,客户评论等)。 不要每天都完全改造您的网站,这只会浪费您的时间,并使客户感到困惑。

Remember that pricing is still very important. You don’t want to give customers the impression that you’re too cheap — serious buyers won’t purchase from you. On the other hand, you don’t want to set an incredibly high price, as no-one will buy from you. And, whatever price point you decide upon, you must show that you have a reason for setting that price. It doesn’t have to be an explicit reason: it could be implicit in the design of the site, the news, the number of features/add-ons etc. Make the value and benefits of your script overshadow the price — make yours an offer that no one can refuse!

请记住,定价仍然非常重要。 您不想给客户以太便宜的印象-认真的买家不会向您购买。 另一方面,您不想设定一个难以置信的高价,因为没人会向您购买。 而且,无论您决定的价格点是什么,都必须表明有设定价格的理由。 这不一定是一个明确的原因:它可以隐含在网站的设计,新闻,功能/附加组件的数量等中。使脚本的价值和收益使价格黯然失色-使您的脚本成为现实提议没有人可以拒绝!

Did I mention that the provision of detailed and quick support is essential when you launch? Don’t forget that prompt customer service is your only weapon against larger, more established companies.

我是否提到过,启动时必须提供详细而快速的支持? 不要忘记,及时的客户服务是您对抗更大,更成熟的公司的唯一武器。

接受付款 (Accepting Payments)

There are 3 main ways by which you can accept payment for your script:


check or money order,

支票或汇票, credit card, and

信用卡,以及 cash.


Assuming that you’re on a tight budget, I recommend you start with Paypal until you have enough custom to make opening a third party merchant account (such as 2checkout or Clickbank — to name just a couple) worthwhile. The start-up cost at either 2checkout or Clickbank is under $50, so it’s not a bad idea to open an account. And eventually, if you do become successful, you can get your own merchant account and process credit cards for yourself.

假设您的预算紧张,建议您从贝宝(Paypal)开始,直到您有足够的自定义条件使值得开设第三方商家帐户(例如2checkout或Clickbank-仅举几例)。 2checkout或Clickbank的启动费用都在50美元以下,因此开设一个帐户并不是一个坏主意。 最终,如果您成功了,您可以拥有自己的商人帐户并自行处理信用卡。

Although your Paypal account can accept credit card payments, customers may get confused if you redirect them to Paypal to use their credit card. Therefore, I recommend that you send them through another gateway if they intend to pay using other means besides Paypal.

尽管您的Paypal帐户可以接受信用卡付款,但是如果您将客户重定向至Paypal以使用其信用卡,则客户可能会感到困惑。 因此,如果他们打算使用除Paypal以外的其他方式付款,我建议您通过另一个网关发送它们。

Most scripting companies accept payments via Paypal and credit card (rarely cash). And, dealing with these types of payments, you will receive fraudulent orders at some stage. Since your script’s a downloadable item, most people assume that they can download your program immediately if they can crack the payment stage. Therefore full automation of the payment and download process is not ideal.

大多数脚本公司通过Paypal和信用卡(很少使用现金)接受付款。 并且,处理这些类型的付款时,您会在某个阶段收到欺诈性订单。 由于脚本是可下载的项目,因此大多数人认为,如果他们可以破解付款阶段,便可以立即下载程序。 因此,付款和下载过程的完全自动化不是理想的。

I made the mistake of fully automating a site when I initially launched my own script, and as a result, I received a few fraudulent orders. Because it was fully automated, these people managed to download my script without paying for it! So learn from my mistake, and don’t fully automate the ordering process. You’ll probably find that most fraudulent orders come from the less developed countries — the fraudulent orders I received originated primarily from Pakistan, Indonesia and India.

最初启动自己的脚本时,我犯了一个完全自动化站点的错误,结果,我收到了一些欺诈性订单。 由于该脚本是完全自动化的,因此这些人无需付费即可下载我的脚本! 因此,请从我的错误中吸取教训,不要完全自动化订购过程。 您可能会发现大多数欺诈性订单来自欠发达国家-我收到的欺诈性订单主要来自巴基斯坦,印度尼西亚和印度。

Instead of complete automation, I recommend that you send your customers automated emails (or autoresponders) that advise them expect to receive access to download the script in around 24 hours. This should give you (or your merchant provider) enough time to check for ulent orders.

我建议您向客户发送自动化的电子邮件(或自动回复),而不是完全自动化,以告知他们希望在24小时左右内获得访问权限以下载脚本。 这应该给您(或您的商家提供商)足够的时间来检查紧急订单。

更新客户 (Update Customers)

Once you have a few customers, you need to make sure that you keep them up to date with the latest developments of your script: new features, add-ons, extra scripts etc. Keep in constant contact with them if possible, and make them feel like "part of the family".


Start a mailing list and constantly update your site with the latest developments, to show potential customers that your business is maturing, and your script is slowly becoming more stable and better suited to their needs.


保持乐观 (Stay Positive)

Lastly, always be positive. Someone just hacked your script? That’s flattery! Solve it by writing a security patch. No sales for a few weeks? That’s a blessing — take a break, go for a walk, breathe some fresh air, or meet with friends.

最后,永远要积极。 有人刚刚入侵了您的脚本? 太恭维了! 通过编写安全补丁来解决。 几周没有销售? 真是太幸运了–休息一下,散散步,呼吸新鲜空气,或者与朋友见面。

Don’t despair! Sitting in front of a computer 24/7 isn’t exactly good for your health. You need to know how to relax, because your customers know when you are stressed — it filters through to them even when you don’t even notice it yourself.

别失望! 24/7全天候坐在电脑前对您的健康不利。 您需要知道如何放松,因为您的客户知道您什么时候受到压力–即使您自己根本没有注意到,它也会过滤掉他们。

There are many other strategies you can adopt as you launch your script for sale, but the one I’ve described here has the advantage that it can be done on a budget of next-to-nothing. The only thing you have to pay for is Web hosting, and hopefully, within the first few days of launch, you should have no problem earning that expense back.

启动脚本进行销售时,您还可以采用许多其他策略,但是我在这里描述的策略具有以下优势:可以以几乎没有的预算来完成。 您唯一需要付费的是Web托管,并且希望在启动的最初几天内,您可以毫无问题地收回费用。

There’s no guarantee that you’ll be successful if you do exactly what’s outlined here — much of your success will depend on your personality, your drive to succeed, the reasons why you wrote the script. Your reason for writing your script should not be limited to "To make a million dollars". If it is, you’ve already failed.fraudtW

如果您完全按照此处概述的步骤进行操作,则无法保证一定会成功-您的成功很大程度上取决于您的个性,成功的动力以及编写脚本的原因。 您编写脚本的理由不应仅限于“赚一百万美元”。 如果是这样,则说明您已经失败了。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sell-software-shoestring/

