
tech2024-05-27  89


Man has it been crazy around my office. We are about to start a project which has to be completed in 30 days. This is design, development, Q&A, Training, and Live release. While this isn’t a problem for us, it does mean some wicked hours and work schedules for the next month.

男人在我办公室周围发疯了 。 我们将开始一个必须在30天内完成的项目。 这是设计,开发,问答,培训和实时发布。 虽然这对我们来说不是问题,但这确实意味着下个月要花一些时间和安排一些邪恶的工作。

The project is supposed to take about 2 – 3 months to complete but due to client “needs” we are really pushing the development envelope.


So why are we doing this? It’s simply because we can. This isn’t the normal way we like to do business but we have procedures in place, coding standards and a great team of people, so we know we can deliver for our client.

那我们为什么要这样做呢? 仅仅是因为我们可以。 这不是我们喜欢做生意的正常方式,但是我们有适当的程序,编码标准和强大的团队,因此我们知道我们可以为客户提供服务。

The other mitigating factor to our confidence is our in-house CMS which all our sites use / run on. Everyday I see the benefits of having these “tools” available to me and my shop, and everyday our customers do as well.

让我们放心的另一个缓解因素是我们内部的CMS,我们所有的站点都在使用或运行这些CMS。 每天,我都能看到为我和我的商店提供这些“工具”的好处,而我们的客户每天也是如此。

It’s because of our CMS that we can deliver what our customers need, in the time frame they need it. It’s also leading me to develop a new philosophy on CMS systems.

因为有了CMS,我们才能在客户需要的时间范围内交付客户所需的东西。 这也使我开发出有关CMS系统的新理念。

Many people cry because there are “too many” out there. We don’t need another CMS system. I say BAH! Bring it on! A design shop which has an in-house CMS or even an adopted 3rd party one, can be more productive in my opinion.

许多人之所以哭是因为那里“太多”了。 我们不需要另一个CMS系统。 我说BAH! 来吧! 在我看来,拥有内部CMS甚至已采用第三者的设计商店可以提高生产率。

Our CMS has allowed us to take normal tasks, like building a contact form, to a super simple task. Most shops can probably design, test and deploy a customized contact script which emails and writes data to a DB in about 2 – 4 hours. Add in an administration script on top of that and it takes another 2 – 4 hours. A single developer can do the whole thing in about a day, maybe two (8 – 16 hours).

我们的CMS使我们能够将普通的任务(如建立联系表)处理成一个非常简单的任务。 大多数商店可能可以设计,测试和部署自定义的联系人脚本,该脚本可以在大约2-4小时内通过电子邮件发送数据并将数据写入数据库。 在此之上添加一个管理脚本,这需要另外2到4个小时。 单个开发人员可以在一天左右的时间内完成整个任务,也许需要两个(8至16个小时)。

We can do it all in about 1 -2 hours thanks to our CMS and the tools we’ve developed.


So why am I telling you this? Why am I bragging? To motivate you to take a look at your company and your design team and find ways you can improve your flow and your development cycle.

那我为什么要告诉你呢? 我为什么吹牛? 为了激发您对公司和设计团队的了解,并找到可以改善流程和开发周期的方法。

Trust me a month of hard work on a few core tools could save you and your clients lots of time down the road.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/coming-soon/

