
tech2024-05-28  96

So the guys from BlueDragon saw my article “Making the case for ColdFusion” and wanted to take me to lunch, “for the kind words about BlueDragon”.

因此,来自BlueDragon的人们看到了我的文章“ 为ColdFusion辩护 ”,并想带我去吃午餐,“对BlueDragon的客气话”。

So I told them how to get my office and we headed over to the local sandwich shop for a little CF lunch. The lunch overall was good and so was the conversation. We talked of course about BlueDragon, and ColdFusion.

因此,我告诉他们如何获得我的办公室,然后我们去了当地的三明治店吃一点CF午餐。 午餐总体很好,谈话也很棒。 我们当然谈到了BlueDragon和ColdFusion。

My impression of the BlueDragon company (New Atlanta) has become a bit more “impressive”. Brian (sales) and Charlie (CTO) are a couple of great people and they had a lot of things to tell me. Of course in one lunch you can’t learn everything, so I’m hoping more conversations will occur of the next few weeks / months.

我对BlueDragon公司(新亚特兰大)的印象变得更加“令人印象深刻”。 Brian(销售)和Charlie(CTO)是几个很棒的人,他们有很多事情要告诉我。 当然,在一顿午餐中您不会学到所有东西,因此我希望在接下来的几周/几个月内进行更多的对话。

Here’s a sum up of what I learned:


New Atlanta is very community focused – The community and their customers drive the development train and dictate what features do and do not get added


BlueDragon Server (free) isn’t that much different from the JX (paid) version

BlueDragon Server(免费)与JX(付费)版本没有太大区别

They are very willing to work with companies – They understand a design shop doesn’t have time to integrate BleuDragon so they will help!

他们非常愿意与公司合作–他们了解设计商店没有时间来整合BleuDragon,因此他们将为您提供帮助! They are very willing to work with developers – If you talk with them you’d be surprised the hoops they will jump through to help and support you.

他们非常愿意与开发人员合作-如果您与他们交谈,您会感到惊讶,他们会为您提供帮助和支持。 They love to talk about their product and typically bring lunch – go ahead contact them and have them visit your design shop!

他们喜欢谈论他们的产品,通常会带午餐–继续联系他们,让他们参观您的设计店! They don’t see themselves as a direct competition with Macromedia, but more an alternative choice – Ok we all know they are a competition, but competition is good.


So based on this lunch I’ve taken the plunge and setup my very own BlueDragon development environment on an old XP machine. Setup went VERY smoothly. If you’re going to do this just keep in mind that on a windows box you have to setup your DB Connections initially via ODBC, since the JDBC drivers are only shipped with the paid server (BD Server JX).

因此,基于这次午餐,我尝试了一下,并在旧的XP机器上设置了自己的BlueDragon开发环境。 安装程序非常顺利。 如果要执行此操作,请记住,在Windows框上,必须首先通过ODBC设置数据库连接,因为JDBC驱动程序仅与付费服务器(BD Server JX)一起提供。

So what complaints do I have? Well just a couple actually.[list=1] [*]Initially my web sites were not configured for .cfm, .cfml, .cfc files to be served by BD. It would have been nice to have a tool which would do this for me automatically rather than me doing it manually. [*]The BD Admin screen is kind of hard to read. I’m all up for the BD blue here and there but the menu system and a lot of other areas don’t contrast well [*]I’m not a big fan of setting up ODBC connections, but I totally understand that this is a free product so I have to do some of the work. [/list]

那我有什么投诉? 好吧,实际上只有几个。[list = 1] [*]最初,我的网站没有配置要由BD提供的.cfm,.cfml,.cfc文件。 拥有一个可以为我自动执行此操作而不是手动执行此操作的工具会很好。 [*] BD Admin屏幕很难看清。 我全都喜欢BD blue,但是菜单系统和许多其他区域的对比不太好[*]我不是设置ODBC连接的忠实拥护者,但是我完全理解这是免费产品,所以我必须做一些工作。 [/列表]

That’s it for now. Hopefully any future problems will be minor and just chalked up to my crankiness!

现在就这样。 希望将来出现的任何问题都是小问题,并以我的坦诚为由!

Oh yea one more thing, if the BD guys are reading this thanks for the T-shirt (or as my office mates call it “the pill”), and when can we expect our complimentary JX license keys?


