
tech2024-05-28  103

Again, let’s start with the Photoshop description of Color Burn:

再次,让我们从Color Burn的Photoshop描述开始:

Color Burn: Looks at the color information in each channel and darkens the base color to reflect the blend color by increasing the contrast. Blending with white produces no change.

色彩燃烧:查看每个通道中的颜色信息,并通过增加对比度使基础颜色变暗以反映混合颜色。 与白色混合不会改变。

Example 1


In this example, I started with a blue-to-white gradient layer, then overlaid it with a black-to-white gradient layer. The black-to-white layer was set to the color burn blending mode. (The result shows a strip of the original black-to-white layer for your comparison convenience.)

在此示例中,我从蓝到白渐变层开始,然后用黑到白渐变层覆盖它。 黑白层设置为彩色混色混合模式。 (为了便于比较,结果显示了一条原始的黑白层带。)

This example demonstrates the “increasing the contrast” aspect of color burning. The darkness of the black-to-white layer doesn’t do much to the part of the gradient that is pure blue, but it does affect the “faded” part of the blue layer by giving it more contrast – making it “more blue.”

此示例说明了颜色燃烧的“增加对比度”方面。 黑白层的暗度对纯蓝色的渐变部分没有多大作用,但通过提供更多的对比度却确实会影响蓝色层的“褪色”部分,从而使“更蓝” 。”

Example 2


In this example, I took the same blue-to-white base layer and overlaid it with a fuschia-to-white layer set to color burn. While I’m not completely sure what Photoshop means when it talks about “reflecting the blend color,” perhaps this is it: again, the left pure blue area is pretty much untouched, but the fuschia both increases the saturation of the lighter blue areas and also “blends” in a little bit.

在此示例中,我采用了相同的蓝白色基础层,并用设置为颜色加深的紫红色至白色层覆盖了它。 虽然我不太确定Photoshop在谈论“反射混合颜色”时的含义,但也许就是这样:再次,左侧的纯蓝色区域几乎未受影响,但是紫红色都增加了较亮的蓝色区域的饱和度。并且也有一点“融合”。

Example 3


This example takes a rainbow layer and overlays it with a black-to-white and rainbow layer set to color burn. The result may be surprising! Looking at where the rainbow overlaps with the greyer parts of the black-and-white gradient “makes sense” to me — the contrast of the rainbow is definitely heightened by the grey gradient. It’s the other parts that may be unexpected. But what I like about this diagram is that it does show me what to expect when I burn colors onto other colors — for example, red is not really affected by any other color (is it a coincidence that red is associated with “hot”?).

此示例采用彩虹层,并在其上覆盖了设置为颜色加深的黑白和彩虹层。 结果可能令人惊讶! 看着彩虹与黑白渐变的灰色部分重叠的地方对我来说是“有意义的”-彩虹的对比度肯定会由于灰色渐变而增强。 可能是其他部分出乎意料。 但是我对这张图的喜欢之处在于,它确实向我展示了当我将颜色刻录到其他颜色上时的期望-例如,红色实际上不受任何其他颜色的影响(红色与“热”相关联是一个巧合吗? )。

Application: Make things pop!


On to my easy practical application. Let’s start with this picture of a dog:

继续我的简单实际应用。 让我们从这张狗的图片开始:

It’s a cute dog, but the picture seems a little bit dull. So, I add a new layer on top, set it to Color Burn, and start painting on it with grey around the dog. (I set the opacity to be a little bit less so that the darkening effect wasn’t so stark.) I use different shades of grey to get the various patches of grass at about the same level of darkness.

这是只可爱的狗,但是照片看起来有些沉闷。 因此,我在顶部添加了一个新层,将其设置为“颜色加深”,然后开始用狗周围的灰色对其进行绘画。 (我将不透明度设置得稍低一些,以使变暗效果不那么明显。)我使用不同的灰色阴影使各种草块处于相同的黑暗水平。

And after only two minutes of manipulation, the dog really stands out!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/feel-the-color-burn/
