
tech2024-05-28  98

…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

Hello everyone,


It’s my pleasure to be the ColdFusion columnist here at Sitepoint. I’m very excited about the opportunity and I’m looking forward to it.

我很高兴在Sitepoint担任ColdFusion专栏作家。 我对这个机会感到非常兴奋,并期待着它。

I’ll just start with a little background about myself. I live in Nashville, Tennessee, USA and I currently work as a Systems Analyst for a very large background screening firm. My days are generally spent developing web-based applications in ColdFusion, although I have been doing more with MS.Net lately as well. I hold an Associate’s Degree in Computer Information Systems and I’ve been working in the IT industry for about 3 years now (since the ripe old age of 18).

我将从关于自己的一些背景开始。 我住在美国田纳西州的纳什维尔,目前在一家非常大型的背景筛查公司担任系统分析师。 我的日子通常都花在ColdFusion中开发基于Web的应用程序上,尽管最近我也使用MS.Net进行了更多工作。 我拥有计算机信息系统的副学士学位,并且已经在IT行业工作了大约3年(从18岁的成熟年龄开始)。

Since I spend the majority of my time writing ColdFusion applications, that’s where I’m most comfortable. I’ve done projects in PHP, ASP, Java (incl. desktop and web-based apps), C, and .Net and I’ve worked with MySQL, Access, MS SQL, and Oracle databases to some degree or another.

由于我将大部分时间都花在编写ColdFusion应用程序上,因此我感到最舒服。 我已经在PHP,ASP,Java(包括基于桌面和基于Web的应用程序),C和.Net中完成了项目,并且在某种程度上已经与MySQL,Access,MS SQL和Oracle数据库进行过合作。

I hope that ColdFusion programmers out there (and others) will enjoy the blog and the articles that I’ll be writing in the coming months. I would like to hear suggestions from all regarding the types of articles you’d like to see here on Sitepoint and what subjects would interest you the most. My final (and I promise, final!) article in the Data Structures series has already been submitted, so I’m trying to decide what to write about next. If you have suggestions, feel free to post here or to PM or Email me with them.

我希望ColdFusion程序员(和其他人)会喜欢我将在未来几个月内写的博客和文章。 我想听听所有关于您希望在Sitepoint上看到的文章类型以及最感兴趣的主题的建议。 我在《数据结构》系列中的最后一篇文章(并且我保证,要完成!)已经提交,因此我试图确定接下来要写些什么。 如果您有任何建议,请随时在此处发布,或者发布到PM或通过电子邮件与我联系。

Okay, enough banter. Welcome to the Fuse!

好吧,开玩笑。 欢迎使用保险丝!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/blogs-away/
