
tech2024-05-28  107


You run an active (or maybe not-so-active) community. You have a vision for this community. You know what type of place you want it to be. You’ve created a set of User Guidelines that help you to accomplish this vision, and you make sure that your users abide by them. Good job.

您经营一个活跃的(或可能不是那么活跃的)社区。 您对这个社区有一个愿景。 您知道您想要的地方类型。 您已经创建了一套用户指南,可以帮助您实现这一愿景,并确保您的用户遵守这些指南。 做得好。

But, despite your best efforts, there are always members who break the guidelines – unwittingly or otherwise. How can you track the violations that each user has made? How about the action that’s been taken against them? Responses? And extenuating details?

但是,尽管您尽了最大的努力,总有一些成员不经意或以其他方式违反了准则。 您如何跟踪每个用户的违规行为? 对他们采取的行动怎么样? 回应? 还有充实的细节?

In this article, I’ll explain an effective way to keep tabs on what and how much each user has done, so that you, as administrator, can make informed and correct decisions, regardless of the size of your community.


两个新论坛 (Two New Forums)

First, you need to set up two new forums. These forums should be viewable by administrators and moderators only, but moderators should not have moderator power in them. They should not be able to edit, delete or move any threads or posts in these forums. It’s not that you don’t trust your moderators — they just do not need to have privileges in these forums. These two forums represent an archive of sorts, and the only one who should be able to modify that archive is you.

首先,您需要建立两个新论坛。 这些论坛只能由管理员和主持人查看,但主持人不应具有主持人权限。 他们不应能够在这些论坛中编辑,删除或移动任何主题或帖子。 这并不是说您不信任主持人-他们只是不需要在这些论坛中拥有特权。 这两个论坛代表着各种各样的档案,而您唯一能够修改该档案的人就是您。

第一届论坛:垃圾桶 (First Forum: Trash Bin)

The first forum is the Trash Bin. This forum will be home to all threads and posts that are deleted or removed from public view. I do not permanently delete (i.e. remove from my forums database) any threads or posts on my communities. All threads or posts that violate our User Guidelines or must otherwise be removed are moved into this forum. Bad threads? Moved here. Duplicate posts and "accidents" — moved here. If someone makes a bad post on an otherwise good thread, it is split off into this forum (making it its own thread). There’s no reason that a good thread must end because of an idiot or two.

第一个论坛是垃圾桶。 该论坛将是所有公开删除或删除的主题和帖子的所在地。 我不会永久删除(即从论坛数据库中删除)社区上的任何主题或帖子。 所有违反我们的用户指南或必须以其他方式删除的主题或帖子都移入了该论坛。 坏线程? 搬到这里了 帖子和“事故”重复-已移至此处。 如果有人在本来不错的主题上发布了错误的帖子,则会将其拆分为该论坛(使其成为自己的主题)。 没有理由因为一两个白痴而导致一个好的线程必须结束。

If you were to manually edit content out of a post or delete the post entirely, you would lose documentation that you could not get back, or refer back to in the future. Even if you deleted a thread or post and privately made a note of what the member had said, that’s no substitute for having the exact record of a post that they themselves made with their Internet protocol (IP) address attached to it. That’s why we have the Trash Bin forum.

如果要手动编辑帖子中的内容或完全删除帖子,则将丢失无法找回的文档,或者将来再参考。 即使您删除了一个帖子或帖子并私下记下该成员的发言,也不能代替他们自己记录的帖子的准确记录,并附加其Internet协议(IP)地址。 这就是为什么我们有垃圾箱论坛的原因。

第二届论坛:问题用户 (Second Forum: Problem Users)

The second forum is the Problem Users forum. This is where you will organize your documentation by user, making it easier to see just how much a user has done — and what exactly they’ve done — on your community.

第二个论坛是“问题用户”论坛。 在这里,您可以按用户组织文档,从而更容易查看用户在社区中做了多少以及他们做了什么。

Whenever a user violates your User Guidelines, you will make a note of it in the Problem Users forum. If this is the user’s first violation, you will have to start a thread for them. The subject title of the thread should be that user’s username within your community. The exact username, even if it is XxXGP-TrIcK19Z. This makes it easier for you to search and find the thread in future.

每当用户违反您的用户指南时,您都会在“问题用户”论坛中对其进行记录。 如果这是用户的首次违规,则必须为他们启动线程。 主题的主题名称应该是您社区中该用户的用户名。 确切的用户名,即使它是XxXGP-TrIcK19Z。 这使您将来可以更轻松地搜索和查找线程。

If the user has violated your User Guidelines before, they will already have a thread, so you won’t need to start one. Simply add a reply to the existing thread with details of the latest violation.

如果用户以前违反了您的用户指南,那么他们将已经有一个主题,因此您无需启动一个主题。 只需向现有线程添加回复,其中包含最新违规的详细信息。

In your post, you should link (if necessary) to the violation, specify the violation made, and mention the action taken. So, for instance, if I were taking this action on the SitePoint Forums, I might post:

在您的帖子中,您应该(如有必要)链接到违规行为,指定发生的违规行为,并提及所采取的措施。 因此,例如,如果我要在SitePoint论坛上执行此操作,我可能会发布:

https://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?p=111111111111 Advertising. PM sent.

https://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?p=111111111111广告。 下午已发送。

This would mean that the user created a thread or post to advertise something in a way that violated our User Guidelines, and that I sent them the appropriate private message (using contact templates, if you offer them to your staff members). The link goes right to the thread or post, located inside the Trash Bin, that contains the violation.

这意味着用户创建了一个帖子或帖子,以某种违反我们用户指南的方式做广告,并且我向他们发送了适当的私人消息(如果您将其提供给员工,则使用联系人模板)。 该链接直接指向包含违规内容的垃圾箱中的主题或帖子。

There are some types of violations that do not require a link. One such example would be:

有些违规类型不需要链接。 这样的例子之一是:

Signature too long. PM sent.

签名太长。 下午已发送。

This would obviously mean that the user’s signature was longer than your User Guidelines allowed, and that you’d sent the appropriate private message.


You can also make note of other things within Problem Users threads. For instance, did the user send one of your moderators a nasty private message back? Have them post it in the Problem Users thread so that you can deal with it personally. You can document any other suspicious or negative behavior in this thread as well.

您还可以在“问题用户”线程中记下其他内容。 例如,用户是否向您的一位主持人发送了讨厌的私人消息? 让他们将其发布在“问题用户”线程中,以便您可以亲自处理。 您也可以在此线程中记录任何其他可疑或负面行为。

And, of course, you can customize this process to your liking, as you see fit. For example, you don’t have to send private messages: you might send emails. This is just a general example.

当然,您可以根据自己的喜好自定义此过程。 例如,您不必发送私人消息:您可以发送电子邮件。 这只是一个一般示例。

所需程序 (Required Procedure)

This system can only be effective if you require that it be maintained by you and your staff members, with no exceptions. Every single time.

仅当您要求您和您的员工对其进行维护时,该系统才有效。 每一次。

Besides just telling your moderators what the process is, and that they must act on it every time they see a violation, you have to do it, too. Document violations just as you ask your moderators to. Send private messages just as you ask them to. You are the example, as with everything else. There are no short cuts!

除了仅告诉主持人该过程是什么,并且每次看到违规行为时他们都必须对它采取行动,您也必须这样做。 记录违规行为,就像您要求主持人那样。 按照您的要求发送私人消息。 与其他所有事物一样,您就是示例。 没有捷径!

You have to make this new system part of the process of handing violations: see a violation, remove the violation (if necessary), document the violation and contact the offending user. That’s the process, and it will need to become a part of your and your moderator’s daily lives.

您必须使这个新系统成为处理违规过程的一部分:查看违规,删除违规(如有必要),记录违规并联系违规用户。 这就是这个过程,它将需要成为您和主持人日常生活的一部分。

好处 (The Benefit)

Finally, the major benefit: this system gives you something to refer back to. It allows you to go over all negative activities that a user has perpetrated or participated in.

最后,主要好处是:该系统为您提供了一些参考。 它使您可以遍历用户执行或参与的所有负面活动。

Over time, these threads will grow and you will notice that certain users seem to be disregarding your warnings — something you may or may not have noticed before. This is crucial to your decisions on when and if to escalate action (a more serious private message from you or a ban, perhaps). The system helps to ensure that repeat offenders aren’t necessarily allowed to run wild, and allows you to have increased confidence in your decisions. It will make it easier for you to make the correct decisions for your community in order to accomplish your goals.

随着时间的流逝,这些线程将会增长,您会注意到某些用户似乎无视您的警告-您之前可能注意到或未注意到的事情。 这对于您决定何时以及是否升级行动至关重要(可能是您发出的更严重的私人信息或禁令)。 该系统有助于确保不必再犯屡犯者,并使您对自己的决定有更大的信心。 这将使您更容易为社区做出正确的决定,以实现自己的目标。

Good luck!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/manage-guideline-violations/

