
tech2024-05-29  108


A little late with this one, but I’ve been changing jobs over the past few weeks, so it’s been a little busy! Apologies

这个工作有点晚了,但是过去几个星期我一直在换工作,所以有点忙! 道歉

There’s something afoot, something so huge, it will change the way we work and create our Flash applications in the future, yep you guessed it, Macromedia have revealed a mini sneak preview of of the new features to be available in the next incarnation of the Flash Player (v8) at the Macromedia Flash conference in Tokyo, Japan, and I so wish I was there!

即将发生的事情,如此巨大的事情,它将改变我们的工作方式,并在将来创建我们的Flash应用程序。是的,您猜对了,Macromedia展示了一个小型的预览版 这些新功能将在日本东京的Macromedia Flash会议上的下一个Flash Player(v8)版本中提供,我希望我能参加!

Here are some of the main points from Colin Moock

以下是Colin Moock的一些要点

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-all-the-excitement-about-this/

