
tech2024-05-29  99

Popular Domains is a Windows program that takes (or generates) a list of domain names and checks their link popularity in a number of search engines. In addition, the latest version detects whether the names are listed in Yahoo and can also reveal their Alexa ratings. As a quick reminder, Alexa is a very cool way of roughly determining how many visitors a Website attracts.

Popular Domains是一个Windows程序,它接收(或生成)域名列表,并在许多搜索引擎中检查其链接流行度。 此外,最新版本还可以检测名称是否在Yahoo中列出,还可以显示其Alexa等级。 快速提醒一下,Alexa是一种很酷的方法,可以大致确定一个网站吸引了多少访问者。

So why would you want to know these things? The answer lies of course in the expired domains industry. Every day thousands of domain names expire due to non-renewal. A fair number of these are valuable because they produce visitors, or are "traffic catchers". If you can re-register some of these names, it’s a great way to generate extra traffic for your own sites.

那你为什么想知道这些事? 答案当然在于过期的域名行业。 每天都有数以千计的域名由于不更新而过期。 其中相当一部分是有价值的,因为它们会吸引访问者或成为“交通拥堵者”。 如果您可以重新注册其中一些名称,则这是为您自己的网站产生额外流量的好方法。

抢注? (Cybersquatting?)

Before reviewing Popular Domains itself, let’s get the thorny "cybersquatting" issue out of the way — isn’t re-registering expired domain names with built-in traffic just the lowest form of cybersquatting?


To answer that question, we need to analyze why domain names that generate traffic are allowed to expire:


Deliberate Expiry – It’s an unfortunate fact of Internet life that Web businesses fail by the truckload every day of the week. Many of these site owners lose all interest in every aspect of their Website — domain name included.

故意到期 –这是Internet生活的不幸事实,网络业务在每周的每一天都因大量工作而失败。 这些网站所有者中的许多人对网站的每个方面都失去了兴趣-包括域名。

Accidental Expiry – When the original registrant wanted to keep the name, but for whatever reason, didn’t pay to renew the name before it got deleted.

意外到期 –当原始注册人希望保留名称时,由于某种原因,在名称被删除之前,无需支付任何费用来续签。

The point is that any program that aims to locate domains with high traffic cannot hope to distinguish between these two types of expiry. It is just a tool and cannot be held responsible for how it is (mis)used.

关键是,任何旨在定位高流量域的程序都无法希望区分这两种有效期。 它只是一种工具,对使用(误用)方法不承担任何责任。

So in the case of accidental expiries, it is the new registrant’s responsibility to choose what to do if the old registrant wants the name back. The decent thing would be to hand the name back for a nominal fee, $100 or less. That way, the old owner gets their Website back, and the new registrant doesn’t lose out.

因此,在意外到期的情况下,如果旧注册人希望重新命名,则新注册人有责任选择要做什么。 体面的事情是,以象征性的费用(不超过100美元)将名称交还。 这样,旧所有者就可以恢复其网站,新注册者也不会输掉。

那么它是怎样工作的? (So How Does It Work?)

Popular Domains generates domain names to check in three ways. It can work on:

流行域名会生成用于三种方式检查的域名。 它可以工作在:

Deleted Domains – This is a very powerful option that searches through a daily-updated database of on-hold and deleted domain names.

删除的域名 –这是一个非常强大的选项,可以搜索每日更新的保留和删除域名的数据库。

WHOIS – A less useful option that searches through the Whois database of deleted domains.

WHOIS –一种不太有用的选项,用于搜索已删除域的Whois数据库。

Custom Domain List – A great option that checks a list of imported domain names. It’s very useful for people that subscribe to expiring domains services such as LocalWhois or have their own way to generate "candidate" domain lists.

自定义域名列表 –一个很棒的选项,可以检查导入的域名列表。 对于订阅即将到期的域服务(例如LocalWhois)或使用自己的方式生成“候选”域列表的人们来说,这非常有用。

As well as being able to select what sort of domains to search through, Popular Domains allows you to customize the types of checks that are performed on each domain, namely:


Incoming Search Engine Links – Specify one or all of the following search engines: Google, Lycos, MSN, All The Web, AltaVista, Hotbot.

传入搜索引擎链接 –指定以下搜索引擎中的一个或全部:Google,Lycos,MSN,所有Web,AltaVista,Hotbot。

Yahoo! Placement – See if the domain is listed in Yahoo! Remember, Yahoo! listings now cost $299 annually!

雅虎! 放置 –查看域是否在Yahoo!中列出 记住,雅虎! 现在,清单商品的价格为每年299美元!

Alexa Rating – This option utilizes the Alexa ranking system to give a rough idea of how many visitors the site generates.

Alexa评分 -此选项利用Alexa排名系统来大致了解该网站产生了多少访客。

结果 (The Results)

By using the powerful Deleted Domains option, anybody can quickly find a number of on-hold domains that have high link popularity, or high traffic or a Yahoo! listing, or all three!

通过使用功能强大的“已删除域”选项,任何人都可以快速找到许多具有较高链接流行度,高流量或Yahoo!的保留域。 上市,还是全部三个!

Popular Domains delivers the results smoothly and without fuss. If you have a dial-up link you can expect a long delay if you are analyzing hundreds of domain names. If you have any kind of decent broadband link, however, you should be able to race through big lists in no time at all.

Popular Domains可以顺利且毫不费力地提供结果。 如果您有拨号链接,则在分析数百个域名时可能会等待很长时间。 但是,如果您拥有任何类型的体面的宽带链路,那么您应该可以立即在大型列表中竞争。

判决 (The Verdict)

At US$149, Popular Domains is not cheap. But it does offer excellent value for money. Considering that Yahoo! now charge a US$299 annual fee, if you can even register one domain with an existing Yahoo! listing, the program will have already paid for itself. And the Alexa rating search is another great way to find valuable domain names.

149美元的“大众域名”并不便宜。 但是它确实提供了极好的性价比。 考虑到雅虎! 现在,如果您甚至可以使用现有的Yahoo!注册一个域,现在将收取299美元的年费。 上市,该程序将已经收回成本。 Alexa评级搜索是查找有价值的域名的另一种好方法。

As a final reminder, if you register a name and are then contacted by the original owner wanting the name back, do the decent thing and let the name go for a small sum. Go after the "deliberate expiry" names instead. In the case of accidental expiries, it’s very much a case of "there but for the grace of god go I". Good luck!

最后提醒一下,如果您注册了一个名称,然后希望得到该名称的原始所有者与您联系,请做个体面的事情,并让名称变小。 请改用“故意到期”名称。 万一发生意外事故,这很可能是“除了上帝的恩典之外,还有我”。 祝好运!

For more information, or to download Popular Domains, click here.

有关更多信息,或要下载“流行域”,请单击此处 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/review-popular-domains/
