
tech2024-05-29  109


Pervasive Software became the latest to join what is fast becoming a burgeoning field of database vendors looking to capitalize on open source by way of commercial solutions. They join Sybase, MySQL and others looking for bigger pieces of the mid-size and up corporate market.

Pervasive Software成为最新的加入者,Swift成为一个新兴的数据库供应商,他们希望通过商业解决方案来利用开放源代码。 他们加入Sybase,MySQL和其他公司,以寻找更大的中型企业市场。

Pervasive is known in certain circles as a seasoned veteran of database infrastructure management and is now looking to use PostgreSQL’s solid reputation to bring a new services-oriented solution to the table.


At first glance it may appear they are coming out swinging at MySQL — and personally I still see that as part of the move, gaining ground prior to MySQL’s much anticipated beta release of version 5 of that venerable database. PostgreSQL of course enjoys triggers, stored procedures and other features MySQL users have been rabidly awaiting.

乍看起来,它们似乎正在MySQL上摇摆不定-并且我个人仍然认为,这是此举的一部分,在MySQL备受期待的该古老数据库的第5版beta版发布之前取得了进展。 PostgreSQL当然具有触发器,存储过程和MySQL用户一直在等待的其他功能。

However, Lance Obermeyer, director of products at Pervasive, downplayed getting the jump on MySQL.

但是,Pervasive产品总监Lance Obermeyer淡化了MySQL的普及。

“If a user has architected his or her application to work within the constraints of MySQL, then they should stay there. There will certainly be some that outgrow MySQL, and those users we welcome,” Obermeyer told SitePoint. “Our primary target, though, are users with production business applications that require mainstream features and rock solid data integrity. Those will be migrations from proprietary databases or brand new applications that never could have worked on MySQL.”

“如果用户将其应用程序设计为在MySQL的约束范围内工作,那么他们应该呆在那里。 肯定会有一些超过MySQL的,我们欢迎那些用户。” Obermeyer告诉SitePoint。 “不过,我们的主要目标是需要主流功能和坚如磐石的数据完整性的生产业务应用程序用户。 这些将是从专有数据库或从未在MySQL上运行过的全新应用程序迁移而来。”

I am sure readers may have some comments regarding Obermeyer’s bold swipe at MySQL. This offering does however look to be appealing to web pros tracking larger development projects with solid budgets as well as small and mid-size companies looking to beef up internal database-driven applications.

我敢肯定,读者可能会对Obermeyer在MySQL上的大胆笔触有所评论。 但是,该产品确实吸引了那些跟踪预算较大的大型开发项目的Web专业人员以及希望增强内部数据库驱动的应用程序的中小型公司。

Pervasive does not currently track its market share publicly — suggesting “it is difficult to estimate accurate market share numbers, since PostgreSQL is available through so many channels, most of which are untracked.”


One can keep up with PostgreSQL’s growth in the market by way of Sourceforge as well as the project’s official home page.


When asked to share a little about what customizations Pervasive has layered on top of PostgreSQL, Obermeyer laid out the company’s strategy.


“Our efforts around PostgreSQL are twofold, improving usability so that it can be deployed by people other than early adopters and technology enthusiasts, and extending the performance and capability envelope.”


He said the company’s initial release focused on usability, collecting and integrating multiple components together, such as a management console and connectivity drivers like JDBC, and they’ve created a simplified configuration tool.


“We’ve also wrapped them all under a common installer, simplifying the install process. These early improvements already improve a user’s first impression and probability for success [with PostgreSQL],” Obermeyer added.

“我们还将它们全部包装在一个通用的安装程序中,从而简化了安装过程。 这些早期的改进已经(使用PostgreSQL)已经改善了用户的第一印象和成功的可能性,” Obermeyer补充说。

The company is also offering a slate of consulting services from support, migration, and integration as well as custom development.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/pervasive-software-joins-database-race/

