devnet nxos

tech2024-05-30  106

devnet nxos

Macromedia have released their next installment in the DevNet series of resource material, and whilst there are Dreamweaver and Coldfusion sample applications and extensions, most notably (for the Flash freaks amongst us) is the addition of two sample applications one highlighting simple web service consumption in Flash using multiple Flash components; the other an AS 2.0 based MineSweeper game.

Macromedia已在DevNet系列资源资料中发布了他们的下一部分,并且有Dreamweaver和Coldfusion示例应用程序和扩展,最值得注意的是(对于我们中间的Flash怪胎)是添加了两个示例应用程序,其中一个突出了简单Web服务的使用。使用多个Flash组件进行Flash; 另一个基于AS 2.0的MineSweeper游戏。

Also on the list for Flash monkeys are a Slider Component and a set of ActionScript 2.0 classes for formatting locale specific numerical data. Sound interesting? Pop over to Macromedia for more information.

Flash猴子列表上还有一个Slider Component和一组用于格式化特定于区域设置的数值数据的ActionScript 2.0类。 听起来很有趣? 弹出Macromedia获取更多信息。

Unfortunately DevNet Volume 6 is not available for singular purchase and download unlike previous versions which means you need to become a DevNet subscriber to get it. This raises some important issues for me, as sometimes there is a specific focus for each of the releases, myself and others may not wish to purchase a DevNet volume that contains content unrelated to their needs.

遗憾的是,与以前的版本不同,DevNet Volume 6无法单独购买和下载,这意味着您需要成为DevNet订户才能获得它。 这给我带来了一些重要的问题,因为有时每个发行版都有特定的重点,我本人和其他人可能不希望购买包含与他们的需求无关的内容的DevNet卷。

Personally i think Macromedia should have kept options open for the user allowing them to subscribe to DevNet or allow them to download individual volumes if they needed to.


Now this may just be my thoughts, but i’d be interested in the view of the SitePoint Flash community and what you think.

现在这可能只是我的想法,但我会对SitePoint Flash社区的看法以及您的想法感兴趣。

DevNet Resource Kit Volume 6 Overview


DevNet Resource Kit Volume 6 Flash Specific



devnet nxos
